Figure 16-9.AN/ASM-184B(V)-1 aircraft weapon control
test set.
Figure 16-10.AN/ASM-496 data link controller test set.
Q5. Describe the purpose of the AN/DSM-139
guided weapon test set.
Q6. What test set simulates signal output from the
Walleye weapon to the aircraft?
The AN/ASM-496 data link controller test set (fig.
16-10) is a small, portable, flight-line test device used
to perform preflight and periodic performance
evaluations of the guided weapons controller. The
controller initiates certain data link commands and
proportional signals for the AN/AWW-7B guided
weapons monitor control set. The test set is used with
the AN/ASM-184B(V)-1 aircraft weapon control test
set to completely evaluate the aircraft interface for the
AN/AWW-7B guided weapons monitor control set,
Operation, output frequencies, and certain voltage
levels are evaluated by the test set. The test set results
are displayed on a quality meter mounted on the front
panel. A total of 11 test results are resolved into a quality
meter readout.