Pyrotechnics are fireworks adapted to military use.
The word pyrotechny means the art of fire. Therefore,
pyrotechnics are items that produce their effect by
burning, and are consumed in the process.
Pyrotechnics, as used in the military, are items that
produce a bright light for illumination or colored lights
or smoke for signaling.
All Navy pyrotechnic devices contain combustible
chemicals. When ignited, these chemicals generate a
flame, flash, infrared radiation, smoke, sound display,
or combinations of these effects for many purposes.
Some of these effects are visual and audible signaling,
area and target illumination, reference point marking,
indication of practice weapon impact or fuze action,
tracking, decoying, simulating, and smoke-screen
Dye-marking devices are pyrotechnics and
screening devices, even though their display is not the
product of combustion. They are classed as pyrotechnic
or screening devices because their end purposes are
quite similar to those of the true pyrotechnic.
Dye-marking devices are used to establish reference
points on the surface of the water. In some cases, the
dye is spread on the surface by explosive means.
Pyrotechnics generally function by means of an
ignition train, similar to the explosive train of
high-explosive ammunition.
For further information on pyrotechnics, you should
refer to Pyrotechnic, Screening, Marking, and
Countermeasure Devices, NAVSEA SW050-AB-
MMA-010/NAVAIR 11-15-7.
Figure 4-1.Pyrotechnic pistol, Mk 1 Mod 0.
Figure 4-2.Pyrotechnic pistol, Mk 5.
purpose and use of hand-manipulated
signaling devices.
Hand-manipulated devices are used for various
signaling purposes, such as identification, recognition,
warning, and distress.
Pyrotechnic pistols, Mk 1 Mod 0 (fig. 4-l), Mk 5
(fig. 4-2), and AN/M8 (fig. 4-3) are breechloaded,
double-action, single-shot devices. The barrel is hinged
to the frame and held in position by a breechblock or
latch pin. All are fired by pulling a pistol type trigger.
Figure 4-3.Pyrotechnic pistol, AN/M8.