different ballistic flight paths. Air-laid mines usually
require parachutes that are released from the mine on
water entry.
Mines are classified by intended use, method of
delivery, position assumed when laid, method of
actuation, or weight. Mines classified by their intended
use are further classified as service, exercise
(recoverable), and training mines. Service mines are
fully explosive-loaded mines assembled with service
components for use in wartime. Exercise (recoverable)
and training mines are inert loaded to service weight.
They have many uses, such as assembly and laying in
fleet exercises. After exercise completion, they are
recovered, analyzed, and overhauled for reuse. When
assembled, exercise and/or training mines may contain
minor explosive components.
Mines classified by method of delivery are
submarine-laid, surface-laid, or air-laid. The
classification depends on the laying vehicle.
Figure 5-9.Aerial mine delivery sequence of moored mines.
Mines classified by the position they take in the
water after being laid are moored or bottom mines.
Bottom mines rest on the bottom of the sea. Their
effective depth is controlled by the amount of charge
they contain relative to the depth of the area in which
they are planted.
Their design includes sufficient
negative buoyancy to provide good stability on the
bottom of the sea.
Moored mines are buoyant mines. They are
connected by cable to an anchor resting on the bottom
(fig. 5-9). There are two important considerations in
laying moored mines-stability and moored depth.
Mine stability is achieved by an anchor with sufficient
negative buoyancy to retain the mine in its position
(without moving) on the bottom of the sea.
Mines are classified by the methods used to activate
them. Methods of activation are contact and influence,
or a combination of both methods. Influence-actuated
mines are the only mines used tactically in an air-laid
operation. Influence-actuated mines are further
classified as magnetic, acoustic, or pressure mines.