Figure 10-33.SUU-25F/A dispenser.
rotate the shear latch over the tube opening and fasten it
with a shear pin.
Four breeches and breech caps and a spider
assembly can be mounted on the forward bulkhead.
During dispenser loading and unloading procedures,
remove the breech caps and breeches to prevent air
pressure buildup when inserting the flares. With the
breech caps removed, flares can be pushed rearward
during unloading (fig. 10-32, view A). A reusable nose
fairing is installed prior to flight to provide protection to
the spider assembly and reduce drag. When installed,
the detent safety pin electrically safes the dispenser.
During flight operations, the cartridge is fired by an
electrical firing pulse routed from the aircraft to the
breech of the dispenser. Gas pressure is metered into
the forward end of one of the tubes. The expanding gas
pressure from the cartridge exerts force against the two
flares in the tube. When sufficient force is developed to
shear the shear pin off the latch assembly, both flares are
ejected into the airstream.
The force of the airstream causes the drogue trays
to separate from the flares, pulling the safety pins from
the flare fuzes. Further separation pulls the flare lanyard
to initiate the flare timing mechanism.
After the cartridge fires, the dispenser
intervalometer automatically steps to the next position
and is ready for firing the next tube.
Maintenance procedures for the dispenser are
concerned with cleaning and inspecting. For further
information about the SUU-44 dispenser, refer to
SUU-44 Dispenser, NAVAIR 11-75AA-44.
The SUU-25F/A dispenser (fig. 10-33) is an
airborne, externally mounted, reusable four-tube,
rearward ejecting-launching device, The dispenser may
A1. The Mk 8 Mod 5 bomb shackle is mounted on helicopters, such as the SH-3 and
A2. The Mk 8 Mod 5 bomb shackle has 14-inch suspension.