be loaded on any aircraft weapons station that has a
14-inch suspension and is authorized to carry the
SUU-25F/A dispenser.
The SUU-25F/A dispenser has two main
advantages over the SUU-44 dispenser. It can dispense
one store at a time, thus doubling its operational
capability. It also has the capability of ejecting eight size
A sonobuoys.
The SUU-25F/A has a cylindrically shaped,
all-metal body. It has four aluminum tubes that will hold
either eight LUU-2B/B aircraft parachute flares or eight
size A sonobuoys. The tubes are 5 inches in diameter,
clustered together inside an outer skin. There is an
aluminum die-cast bulkhead at each end. When empty,
the dispenser weighs 260 pounds. When loaded with
eight LUU-2B/B flares, it weighs 490 pounds. When
loaded with eight size A sonobuoys, it weighs from 435
to 572 pounds.
The shipping and flight configuration of the
dispenser is shown in figure 10-33. The shipping configura-
tion (view A) has shock pan assemblies at either end of
the dispenser so it is easier to handle during shipment
and storage. A lockwire is attached to the two suspen-
sion lugs to prevent them from becoming lost during
shipment or storage. Both the lockwire and shock pan
assemblies must be removed before the dispenser is
used. When the dispenser is configured for flight (view
B), a phenolic or metal cover (nose cone) is mounted on
the forward flange. Covers are not shipped with the
dispenser, they are ordered as separate components.
As you read the following section on the
SUU-25F/A dispenser, look at figure 10-34 for the
location and identification of the components.
Figure 10-34.SUU-25F/A dispenser, exploded view.