Upon opening, the main parachute pulls on the
cables of the suspension/ignition system. The shorter
The LUU-2B/B flare is the same size as the Mk 45
cable pulls the release pin from the igniter assembly,
flare. It is 36 inches long, 4.9 inches in diameter, and
cocking and releasing the firing pin so that it strikes the
weighs about 30 pounds. The flare is supplied only as
primer. The primer ignites an ignition pellet, which, in
an AUR, and it is shipped assembled with drogue trays
turn ignites the magnesium candle. The burning candle
for dispenser launch. The flare is hand launched, or
is then suspended on the fully deployed main parachute.
configured for launching from IMER or ITER aircraft
When the candle approaches the end of its burning time,
bomb racks. It replaces the Mk 24 Mods and Mk 45
Mods aircraft parachute flares.
its heat activates the explosive bolt. (Ten of the eighteen
shroud lines are attached to the explosive bolt.) Release
of these shroud lines causes the parachute to collapse
The LUU-2B/B flare (fig. 4-8) has four major
and flutter to the ground.
Figure 4-8.LUU-2B/B aircraft parachute flare.