Four discreet dc voltages for in-flight
selection of functioning delay times are used in
the Mk 344 Mods and Mk 376 fuzes. Arming delay
times are automatically selected by the Mk 31 safety
The Mk 31 safety device is used to adapt the
fuze to the fuze well of the bomb, provide mechanical
safing of the fuze and unlock the timer-decelerometer.
The safety device contains a pop-out pin that locks
the fuze in an unarmed condition. The spring-loaded
pin is held in the safe position by either a safety
cotter pin or an arming wire. When the weapon is
released from the aircraft, the arming wire is pulled
from the pop-out pin, allowing the pin to pop out,
unlock the decelerometer, thus initiating the arming
time. When using the Mk 344 Mod 0 or Mod 1
fuze, the arming is completed 5.5 seconds after the
pop-out pin is released. For the Mk 376 fuze, arming
is completed 10.0 seconds after release from the
aircraft if the free-fall mode of delivery is used. If the
Mk 31 safety device senses weapon deceleration
(Snakeye fins open), the internal circuits of the fuze
are switched, and the fuze becomes armed in 2.6
seconds. The quicker arming time is required to
ensure the fuze is fully armed for low-altitude
delivery. If deceleration is not sensed by 2.6 seconds,
the fuze arming delay continues to the 10.0-second
arming time.
The following description applies specifically to the
Mk 376 fuze. However, the Mk 344 fuze operates
identically to the Mk 376, except that it is operationally
restricted to the unretarded (5.5-second delay) delivery
mode only.
Two arming delays are used in the Mk 376
fuze2.6 seconds for retarded delivery and 10.0
seconds for unretarded delivery. The appropriate
arming delay is automatically selected by the
fuze according to the actual delivery mode of the
weapon. That is, if the weapon does not retard,
whether intentionally or unintentionally, the
fuze automatically provides a 10.0-second arming
At release, the arming wire is withdrawn and a
charging voltage (+300, +195, 195, or 300 Vdc) is
applied to the fuze. The pilot selects the voltage in flight
by the fuze function control set located in the cockpit.
The fuze polarity and level of the fuze charging voltage
is important only with respect to functioning delay.
Arming is the same in any case. A regulator in the fuze
converts the applied voltage to the required level and
polarity. It is then applied to the energy storage unit and
the 2.6-second timer. If the weapon decelerates, the Mk
31 safety device senses the deceleration and causes the
retard switch to close. At 2.6 seconds, the timer
completes its cycle and transfers the voltage to the
rotor-actuating bellows. The bellows operate and turn
the rotor to the armed position.
If the weapon does not decelerate, the retard switch
does not close. The 2.6-second timer continues to run.
At 3.8 seconds, the Mk 31 safety device causes the
voltage to transfer to the input of the rotor-actuating
bellows. At 10.0 seconds, the bellows operates and
turns the rotor to the armed position.
The FMU- 143E/B fuze (fig. 1-11) is used with the
GBU-24B/B. It is initiated by the FZU-32B/B initiator
which is used to generate and supply power to arm the
fuze. The safe condition is verified by the presence of
a safety pin or arming wire through the pop-out pin (gag
The FMU-139 (series) electronic bomb fuze (fig.
1-12) is an electronic impact or impact-delay fuze. It is
used in Mk 80 series general-purpose bombs, including
laser guided bombs. The arming times are in-flight
selectable, and the functioning delay must be set during
weapon assembly. There are three arming times (2.6,
5.5, and 10.0 seconds) and four functioning delay
settings (10, 25, and 60 milliseconds, and
instantaneous). Only 2.6/60, 2.6/25, 2.6/10, and 2.6/inst
high drag arm/delay switch positions are authorized for
Navy/Marine Corps use. The low drag arm time switch
should always be in the X position. The low drag arm
time rotary switch is positioned at X for shipping,
storage, and all FFCS (fuze function control set) use.
The FMU-139 fuze differs from the Mk 344 and Mk 376
fuzes in that the gag rod and arming wire housing are
located in the center of the faceplate (fig. 1-13).