Figure 10-14.Aero 7B-4 bomb ejector rack.
Principles of Operation
Operation of the bomb ejector rack is initiated when
28-volt dc is applied to the two impulse cartridges
installed in the dual breech assembly. The two impulse
cartridges are fired simultaneously, creating gas
pressure in the breech. Gas pressure buildup causes the
breech and sleeve assembly, through the mechanical
linkage, to raise the hook sears, which opens the
suspension hooks. At the same time, gas pressure is
applied to the piston assembly to drive the ejector foot
downward and eject the store from the bomb ejector
rack. After ejection, a spring in the sleeve assembly
returns the ejector foot to the sleeve housing.
Emergency operation of the rack is identical to normal
operation, except that completely separate electrical
wiring is used for each impulse cartridge to ensure
detonation of the two impulse cartridges.
Mechanical arming is done through the
electromechanical arming solenoids. It works in the
same manner as the Aero 65A series bomb racks. When
an armed drop is to be made by using electric fuzing, an
electrical signal is applied to the Mk 39 electric fuze
arming connector. When the hooks open, this signal is
transmitted to the Mk 122 Mod 0 safety arming switch,
which arms the weapon as it clears the rack suspension
You dont want the bomb ejector rack to fire during
ground operations. To prevent firing, insert a safety pin
into the safety switch assembly. The safety pin
maintains an open firing circuit, grounds the breech cap
assembly electrical circuit, and mechanically blocks the
linkage to prevent the suspension hooks from opening
manually. If the suspension hooks are opened manually,
remove the safety pin. If you rotate the manual release
nut with the safety pin installed, you will damage the
linkage and possibly shear a sear retainer pin. Once the
hooks are manually opened, you can reinstall the safety
pin to load weapons or stores.
Maintenance Requirements
Organizational-level maintenance for the Aero
7A-5 and the Aero 7B-4 bomb ejector racks is normally
performed while the bomb ejector racks are installed on
the aircraft. The exception is the 21-day special
inspection. In this case, the bomb ejector rack is
removed from the aircraft. The bomb ejector racks are
also removed from the aircraft and routed to an
intermediate-level maintenance activity every 420 days
for rework. They are removed from the aircraft every
42 months and routed to a depot-level maintenance
activity for overhaul.
Normally, routine maintenance at the organizational
level is performed during regularly scheduled servicing