table 2-4. For detailed information about the LAU-61
and LAU-68 series launchers, refer to 2.75-inch
Airborne Rocket Launchers, (LAU-61 and LAU-68
series), NAVAIR 11-75A-61.
Table 2-4.2.75-Inch Rocket Launchers
The 5.0-inch rocket launchers are the LAU-10B/A,
LAU-10C/A, and the LAU-10D/A. Characteristics and
specifications for these launchers are listed in table 2-5.
For detailed information on the LAU-10 series
launchers, you should refer to 5.0-inch Airborne Rocket
Launchers (LAU-10 series), NAVAIR 11-75A-63.
Table 2-5.5.0-Inch Rocket Launchers
The rocket launcher shipping configuration shown
in figure 2-26 is typical of all launcher shipping
configuratioas, except for the RF barriers.
Center Section
The launcher center section is a cylindrical
construction of 4, 7, or 19 tubes held together by a
supporting framework, and it is covered with an
aluminum skin. The center section houses or supports
all other components of the launcher.
The center section for the LAU-10 (series) allows
either 14-inch or 30-inch suspension.
The center
section for the LAU-61 and LAU-68 (series) provides
for 14-inch suspension only.
Shipping Ends
The shipping ends are a multipurpose arrangement
that consists of a shockpan assembly, a shockpan cover
assembly, and/or locking ring assembly. An alternate
hole and pin arrangement on the top and bottom is
arranged so that the shockpans interlock when the
launchers are stacked. The cover is equipped with a
rubber seal ring that, when compressed by the locking
ring assembly, forms a watertight closure over the end
of the launcher.
RF Barriers
RF barriers consist of a molded, expanded,
polystyrene bead base with an aluminum foil coating
cemented to the outer surface. RF barriers are used on
2.75-inch pods to prevent the entry of electromagnetic
radiation into the rocket igniter circuit. Equally
important is the barrier on the aft end of the pod. It
prevents exposure of the igniter lead contact. The
LAU-61 and LAU-68 use the aft barrier only. The
barriers remain installed for flight and are removed by
impact or blast when the rocket is fired.
Rocket launcher packages have several components
that are common to all or most launcher packages. Any
notable differences are pointed out in the following
A1. The 2.75-inch airborne rocket is used as an air-to-ground weapon against most
A2. Aboard ship, weapons department ordnancemen assemble rocket components
according to the ship's air and load plans, and deliver them to the squadron
ordnancemen who load them onto the aircraft.