figure 14-4. Adjust all other sway braces to the full up
position. Finally, retract the ejector feet to the full up
All weapons must be inspected before you can load
them. If they dont meet the inspection criteria, you
must reject them and notify the proper authority,
The method you use to load retard or nonretard
bombs depends on the weight and configuration of the
bombs and the operational commitments. For example,
you can load a 500-pound bomb onto the parent rack of
an IMER/ITER by using the HLU-196/E bomb hoisting
unit. But remember, you are authorized to manually
load most weapons or stores weighing 1,000 pounds or
less with manual hoisting bars. To meet rearming
requirements of high-tempo cyclic operations, you
would normally use manual hoisting bars to load
individual retard or nonretard bombs that weigh 1,000
pounds or less. Weapons weighing over 1,000 pounds
are normally loaded with the HLU-196/E bomb hoisting
Figure 14-4.IMER/ITER sway brace preset adjustment.