Figure 4-14.-Dome control.
The TRAIL/UNSEATED indicator advises the
operator of the transducers position.
The RAISE/LOWER switch activates the reeling
machine to either raise or lower the dome. The SEAT
s witch/indicator is used to raise the transducer from
the trail position to the seat position, and then
indicates that the transducer is in the seat position.
When the operator selects the AUXILIARY RAISE
switch, the transducer will be electrically raised in the
event of a hydraulic malfunction.
Hydraulic Cable Reeling Machine
The hydraulic cable reeling machine (fig. 4-15)
uses a hydraulic motor to raise and lower the dome.
The sequence of raising or lowering is accomplished
by energizing solenoids on the hydraulic control
package, which programs hydraulic pressure to
release or retrieve the dome.
The reel rotates to pay out or retrieve the cable.
As the cable goes out or comes in, a level wind
assembly, mounted on the frame, moves laterally to
wind or unwind the cable evenly. The level wind is
chain-driven from the gearbox assembly.
A standard one-half inch, square-drive speed
wrench, which comes with the reeling machine, can
be used to manually release or retrieve the cable.
When the handcrank is used, the electrical circuits are
The RO-358/ASQ-13A recorder (fig. 4-16) is
located at the sensor operators station and displays
information on chart paper. This recorder is used for
both the sonar system and the magnetic anomaly
detection (MAD) system. MAD will be discussed
later in this chapter.
The recorder contains the following switches and
indicators on its faceplate: The CHART MOVE
switch provides for rapid chart movement. The
MODE switch selects the mode in which the recorder
will operate. The RANGE RATE switch compensates
for target range rate when in the aspect mode. A
PULSE switch enables the operator to select transmit
pulse duration while in the aspect mode. The
CONTRAST control allows the operator to control
the intensity of the recorded trace, while the
PATTERN SHIFT knob shifts the information to the
left. The SAD indicator/switch indicates when a SAD
signal is being processed, and it resets the SAD
indication. The REFERENCE switch enables the
operator to select a new stylus during MAD
Sonar Hydrophone and Sonar Projector
The underwater transmitting and receiving
element consists of a projector (transmitting array)
and a hydrophone (receiving array). The combination
of these two components, which are electrically and
Figure 4-15.-Hydraulic cable reeling machine.