Figure 6-5.-Photoconductive detector circuit.Energy-Matter InteractionThere are two basic types of energy-matterinteraction.They are the thermal effect and thephoton effect.THERMAL EFFECT.— The thermal effect typeof energy-matter interaction involves the absorptionof radiant energy in the detector. This results in atemperature increase in the detector element. Theradiation is detected by monitoring the temperatureincrease in the detector. Both the elemental andimaging forms of detectors use the thermal effect.PHOTON EFFECT.— In the photon effect typeof energy-matter interaction, the photons of theradiant energy interact directly with the electrons inthe detector material. Usually, detectors using thephoton effect use semiconductor material. There arethree specific types of photon effect detection. Theyare photoconductivity, photoelectric, and photo-emissive.1. Photoconductivity.Photoconductivity is themost widely used photon effect. (See figure 6-5.)Radiant energy changes the electrical conductivity ofthe detector material. An electrical circuit is used tomeasure the change in the conductivity.2. Photoelectric (also referred to as photo-voltaic). In the photoelectric effect (fig. 6-6), apotential difference across a PN junction is caused bythe radiant signal.The photocurrent (currentgenerated by light) is added to the dark current(current that flows with no radiant input). The totalcurrent is proportional to the amount of light that fallson the detector.3. Photoemissive.The photoemissive effect(fig. 6-7) is also known as the external photo effect.The action of the radiation causes the emission of anelectron from the surface of the photocathode to thesurrounding space. The electron is photoexcited fromthe Fermi level above the potential barrier at thesurface of the metal.INFRARED IMAGING SYSTEMSAn infrared imaging system has the followingcomponents: detectors, a scene dissection system,front end optics, a refrigeration system, and an imageprocessing system.DetectorsDetectors convert the IR radiation signal into anelectrical signal that is processed into informationused by the operator. Detectors can be arranged inmany different configurations for their use in an IRimaging system.DETECTOR ARRAY.— Only a small portion ofthe image scene is taken by a detector (or detectors) toFigure 6-6.-Photoelectric effect.Figure 6-7.-Photoemessive effect.6-5
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