information. This mode is used when the aircraft is
making an approach to an airfield or a carrier until the
pilot has visual contact with the field.
Learning Objective: Recognize components
and functions of a non-HUD tactical display
The AN/ASA-82 TDS is installed on the S-3
aircraft. This system is representative of ASW
tactical display systems in use by the Navy.
The AN/ASA-82 consists of five indicators and a
digital-to-analog converter. The digital-to-analog
converter is commonly called a display generator
unit (DGU).
Three of the indicators are
multipurpose displays (MPDs), which, with a few
exceptions, can display all pertinent mission data
developed within the aircraft. These MPDs are
located at the TACCO (tactical coordinator), SENSO
(sensor operator), and copilot stations. Because the
copilot assists the TACCO during an ASW mission,
the copilot station is referred to as the COTAC station.
At the SENSO station, there is an additional indicator
used to display acoustical data. This is the auxiliary
readout unit (ARU). The fifth indicator in the system
is located at the pilots station. This indicator displays
tactical plot data required to maintain aircraft position
while the aircrew is searching for or prosecuting a
The display generator unit generates
alphanumeric characters, conics (curved lines), and
vectors (straight lines). These graphic symbols are
sent to all MPDs and to the pilots display. However,
the DGU does not send all data types to all displays.
The data capabilities of each display will be discussed
later in this chapter. The DGU also positions all video
data in the proper place on the display. Display data is
processed through four processing channels, which
are interchangeable, to supply the data for the four
crew stations. When a processor channel fails, it is
identified and reported to the general-purpose digital
computer (GPDC) by the operation of the built-in test
equipment at each station.
The pilot display presents the key elements of the
TAC (tactical) plot, selected alerts, and peripheral
information. The data presented on the display is
produced by the GPDC, and is controlled by aircrew
members through their integrated control system
(INCOS) panels. The basic pilot display format is
shown in figure 5-18.
The copilot/COTAC display provides the video
presentations listed below:
Alerts and cues for the GPDC
Tableaus containing GPDC-stored data
Tactical plot (TAC plot) composed of symbols,
vectors, and conics
FLIR (Forward-looking infrared)
Scan-converted radar
Test patterns
Figure 5-18.-Pilot display format.