and drive 1 is a write only drive. There is a magnetic
Manual entry is a keyboard message input system
allowing up to 32 characters. The message is released to
t a p e driver in the computer program. The driver
all PDUs in nearly simultaneous fashion. Log tape
interfaces with the set to provide data writing and data
reading causes data from a tape cartridge to appear on
program readings. The driver also rewinds the tape and
the PDU. This is useful for reviewing events that
reads the set's status register.
occurred previously. Both single-entry and tabular
A tape read or write operation starts when the
modes are available. The single-entry mode displays the
EOOW/LU computer sends a 16-bit command word to
latest entry and allows scrolling to view older data.
the AN/USH-26(V). The tape unit performs the action
Tabular mode displays, up to 25 demand display
and follows up with feedback status. The feedback is a
selections, are produced for six dates at a particular time.
status word reporting on the command word's
The operator views an individual 25-entry set as a log
operational success within the tape unit. Feedback status
page and progresses from page-to-page by using the
after each command operation is issued. When the status
keyboard. Editing allows the operator to adjust the
word is error free, the system is assured that satisfactory
current date and time information, alarm parameters,
command completion has resulted. Added operations
and shaft revolution counter reset data.
are entered if a status error exists and may result in a
local tape error alarm.
Bubble Memory Unit
EOOW/LU Computer
When the EOOW/LU is first energized, the
The AN/UYK-44(V), embedded in the EOOW/LU,
console's bubble memory cassettes must be installed in
controls and monitors the MCS by using the DMS. The
the drive unit. The computer's start-up program will
AN/UYK-44(V) is a general-purpose, self-contained
cause the console's operating program software on the
computer. The acronym AN/UYK-44(V) is defined as
cassettes to be loaded into the computer's memory. The
loading operation will be repeated anytime the computer
is rebooted if the cassettes are installed.
AN - Army/Navy
Each bubble memory for the MCS has unique
console software programming. A new AN/USH-26
U - General utility
master tape cartridge is provide whenever software
Y - Data processing
changes are required. The new cartridge is inserted in
tape drive 0. Bubble memory cassettes are loaded into
K - Computing
the EOOW/LU bubble memory drive unit. The
44 - 44th machine designated as AN/UYK
EOOW/LU console transcribes the new master tape
program to the cassettes. After the cassettes are installed
V - Various component groupings available
in their MCS console and the console's initialization and
The computer has a set of hardware modules con-
bootstrap procedure is run, the new programs are set in
tained in an air-cooled card cage. It also has a cooling
fan, control and maintenance panel, and power supplies.
Bell Log Printer
The basic modules are standard electronic modules
( S E M s ) , which are built to military standards
The bell log printer is installed in the EOOW/LU
(MILSTDs). The control and maintenance panel is
console front panel. It is a thermal style printer. The
located on each console for convenient start-up and
printing head elements are heated and pressed against
maintenance purposes.
the heat-sensitive paper. The EOOW/LU computer
The computer is the principal unit in the interchange
program issues printer control and data print commands.
of information for the EOOW/LU. It accomplishes these
t a s k s with the DMS. Each MCS console has an
Signal Data Recorder-Reproducer Set
A N / U Y K - 4 4 ( V ) computer that may monitor the
propulsion plant, electric plant, auxiliary machinery,
The AN/USH-26(V) signal data recorder-
and firemain and hazard detection systems. However,
reproducer set is panel mounted. It is a cartridge tape
control and alarm input capability varies within the
drive unit configured for four tape drives. The tape
program functions assigned to each console computer.
drives are numbered tape drive 0 through 3; however,
The computer enters a bootup process at power turn-on.
only two drives are used because no hardware is
installed in drives 2 and 3. Drive 0 is a read only drive
When required, the computer can also be rebooted from