Accurate, legible, and up-to-date engineering logs
Levels of Assurance
and records plus the timely submission of accurate and
Quality assurance has three levels: A, B, and C.
legible reports reflect efficient administration of the
E a c h level reflects certain quality v e r i f i c a t i o n
engineering department. Logs and records maintained
requirements of individual fabrication in process or
by the engineering department provide the data for
r e p a i r items. In the language of QA, the term
engineering reports to higher authority. Reviewing the
verification refers to the total level of quality controls,
logs, records, and reports will allow the engineer officer
tests, and inspections. Level A assurance provides for
an easy and effective method of keeping informed of the
the most stringent of restrictive verification techniques.
state of the equipment in the department.
This level normally will require both quality controls
and test or inspection methods. Level B a s s u r a n c e
Proper administration of the engineering logs,
provides for adequate verification techniques. This level
records, and reports system requires the regular and
normally will require limited quality controls and may
conscientious attention of all engineering personnel.
or may not require tests or inspections. Level C
The person filling out the log or record must have
assurance provides for minimum or "as necessary"
knowledge of the material recorded or reported. Your
verification techniques. This level will require very little
engineer officer has a record reference file containing
quality control in regard to tests or inspections.
complete information on the methods of maintaining
The QA concept involves preventing the occurrence
required records. The engineer officer also uses a report
of defects. For this reason, QA covers all events from
tickler file. Both files are important tools in the
the start of a maintenance action to its completion and
administration of engineering logs and records.
is the responsibility of all maintenance personnel.
There is no simple way for your department to
By carefully following the procedures outlined in
your QA program manuals and by paying careful
ensure the accuracy of logs, records, and reports. First,
attention to the quality of work, you will contribute to
the responsibility for keeping the logs and records and
the operational effectiveness of your ship. For further
p r e p a r i n g the reports must be set up within the
in-depth knowledge about the QA procedures and
department. Next, the responsibility for checking and
practices, consult your area COMNAVSURFLANT/
verifying the data contained in the logs, records, and
PACINST QA manual.
reports must be assigned. The engineering department
and division organization manuals provide excellent
means for setting up departmental record keeping
responsibilities. This is where your role of a second class
petty officer becomes more apparent. As a work center
As mentioned before, responsibility increases as
supervisor, it will be your duty to review the logs and
you advance in the GSE rating. Part of that
records taken on engineering equipment. As a collateral
responsibility includes the maintenance of various logs,
duty, it will be your responsibility to review the logs and
records, and reports. You will be responsible for making
records for the entire engineering department. An
sure that the proper logs and records are used. Using the
proper logs and records will help your work center and
effective training program should acquaint engineering
department adhere to proper equipment operation and
personnel with the proper procedures for getting data
maintenance procedures.
and maintaining records.
Logs and records are a part of the Navy's record
Some engineering logs and records are mandatory.
system. This system improves record keeping through
This means they are required by law. Other logs and
standardization, automation, speed, and efficiency.
records are essential for efficient operation of the
Although the primary vehicle for record keeping aboard
engineering plant. The following sections of this chapter
shift is the Maintenance Material Management (3-M)
will briefly describe some of the logs, records, and
Systems, you will be required to become familiar with
reports necessary for a well-administered engineering
the administration procedures required for specific logs
and records of the engineering department.
department of a gas turbine-powered ship.