of material readiness of the engineering plant. The
Legal Records
decision-making process involved in an effective water
The engineering department must maintain certain
chemistry program aboard your ship must be supported
legal records. These records are in the category of
by the information in these logs.
mandatory records required by law. The two legal
As you advance in the GSE rating, you may become
records the engineering department must maintain are
a member of the oil lab. If assigned to the oil lab, you
the Engineering Log and the Engineer's Bell Book.
will be required to test and treat boiler water and
E n g i n e e r i n g department personnel must make
feedwater. To carry out these responsibilities, you must
certain that the Engineering Log and the Engineer's Bell
be familiar with the various logs and records used in the
Book are maintained in a conscientious and specific
oil lab.
manner. The following list contains some of the basic
Three of the logs that are commonly used for record-
guidelines you must follow while preparing or checking
ing and maintaining important data your' department
these logs for accuracy:
will need to maintain the proper water conditions in a
Do not make erasures.
waste heat steam plant are as follows:
1. Cover Sheet and Monthly Boiler Data
Any errors should be overlined and initialed by
the person who prepared the original entries.
2. Feedwater Chemistry Worksheet/Log
That person should draw a single line through the
3. Waste Heat Boiler Water Chemistry
original entry so the entry remains legible. The
same person should then insert the correct entry
You should be familiar with the purpose, content,
and general procedures for each of these logs.
The person who enters the change must initial
that change in the margin of the page.
Cover Sheet and Monthly Boiler Data.-- A Cover
Sheet and Monthly Boiler Data log sheet must be
After the commanding officer signs either of
p r e p a r e d for each waste heat boiler. Figure 1-1
these records, no changes can be made without
illustrates a basic Cover Sheet and Monthly Boiler Data
his or her permission.
log sheet. Notice in view A that this log contains the
signatures of the engineer officer and the commanding
Operating Records
officer, verifying they have reviewed the package. On
the reverse side of the cover sheet (view B) are the
Engineering operating records assure the regular
proper data entries for the boiler. These entries include
inspection of operating machinery and provide data for
information, such as total steaming hours, safety valve
performance analysis. Operating logs and records do not
settings, and water chemistry standards.
replace frequent inspections of operating machinery by
Feedwater Chemistry Worksheet/Log.-- A sample
supervisory personnel nor do they warn of impending
of the Feedwater Chemistry Worksheet/Log is shown in
c a s u a l t i e s . They do, however, provide important
figure 1-2. Notice that the data entries are made on the
information on the performance of operating
front side (view A) and the section for remarks is on the
equipment. Personnel who maintain operating logs and
reverse side (view B).
records must be properly trained to interpret and record
data correctly and to report any abnormal conditions.
This log contains the daily chemical condition of the
waste heat boiler feedwater system. The information
The following sections will briefly describe some
recorded in this log includes the results of chemical
of the engineering operating logs and how you may
tests, salinity indicator comparisons, shore steam and
become involved with these logs as you advance in the
shore feedwater chemical test data, and remarks.
GSE rating.
The Feedwater Chemistry Worksheet/Log must be
started daily for each feedwater and condensate system
One important log on some gas turbine ships is the boiler
in operation. A daily log is not needed, however, for a
water and feedwater log. The importance of the boiler
system that is not in operation. In this case, the dates that
water and feedwater chemistry logs and records must
not be underestimated. The engineer officer and his or
testing was not needed must be recorded on the front of
her assistants use the data reflected in these logs to
one log. A remark should be included stating why testing
measure the performance, stability, efficiency, and state
was not necessary.