The Marine Gas Turbine Equipment Service Record
Name of the person drawing the sample
(MGTESR) is a comprehensive equipment service
F u e l i n g station number or filter/separator
record. This record is in the form of a looseleaf log
contained within a separate cover and bound in a binder.
The cover page of an MGTESR is shown in figure 1-5.
Heading: Aviation Fuel Sample Sediment and
The manufacturer of the equipment starts the
MGTESR. The MGTESR is later maintained by the
The oil lab uses the fuel sample log in a continuing
a c t i v i t y h a v i n g c u s t o d y o f t h e e q u i p m e n t . Th e
shipboard QA program to document the ship's QA
MGTESR always remains with its associated
equipment. If a gas turbine engine is removed from the
ship, for example, the associated record is transferred
ment records are an essential element of the gas turbine
with the engine. The same procedure is followed even
if only one of the removable accessories is removed
technical discipline. These records provide a history of
from the engine and shipped for repair. In every case,
operations, maintenance, and configuration changes of
the applicable service records must always accompany
the equipment. Incomplete or inaccurate records can
the removed items.
cause unnecessary maintenance of equipment. All
T h e MGTESR binder consists of
10 separate
a c t i v i t i e s having custody of marine gas turbine
s e c t i o n s , each containing explicit
equipment must maintain service records in a proper and
concerning one particular gas turbine
engine. The
up-to-date status. Naval Ships' Technical Manual
following list contains the 10 sections of
(NSTM), chapter 234, "Marine Gas Turbines," includes
t h e procedures your department should follow to
1. Cover sheet
maintain these records.
Figure 1-5.--MGTESR Cover Sheet.