MGTE Custody and Transfer Record.-- When an
2. Marine Gas Turbine Engine (MGTE) Custody
MGTESR is transferred as a part of an equipment
and Transfer Record
transaction from one activity to another, the MGTE
3. MGTE Operating Log
Custody and Transfer Record is completed before the
transfer. (See fig. 1-6.) This record shows who has
4. MGTE Inspection Record
custody of the MGTESR and the engine or equipment's
5. MGTE Record of Rework
condition (complete/uncannibalized) at the time of
t r a n s f e r . The commanding officer or the person
6. MGTE Technical Directives
appointed signs this record.
7. MGTE Miscellaneous/History
MGTE Operating Log.-- The MGTE Operating
8. MGTE Selected Component Record
Log shows the total operating time of the engine, starting
from the time the engine was new. It also shows the time
9. MGTE Selected Component Record (SCR)
interval since the last depot repair or rework was
10. Supplemental records
A sample of an MGTE Operating Log is shown in
The following paragraphs will briefly describe the
figure 1-7. Notice that the operating time and the
purpose of each of these sections.
number of starts must be entered on a daily, weekly, or
monthly basis. You should also note that an engine start
Cover Sheet.-- The MGTESR cover sheet is used
is defined as the engine's successfully going through the
only for equipment identification and installation data.
start cycle to idle. Motoring and hung starts should not
The engine/equipment is identified by serial number.
be entered in the NO. STARTS column of the log.
The installation history entries continue in the spaces
MGTE Inspection Record.-- Accurate inspection
provided to generate a chronological record of nonrepair
records are a primary requirement, and they prevent the
unnecessary reinspection by a new custodian upon
activities at which the equipment was installed.
Figure 1-6.--MGTE Custody and Transfer Record.