You have just read about CCS operations on
t h e operation of these consoles in the following
DD-963, DDG-993, and CG-47 class ships. Now let's
look of the CCS operations on the DDG-51 class ships.
T h e MCS propulsion plant control equipment
consists of two SCUs and the PACC. The PACC is
The CCS on the DDG-51 class ships is also located
located in the CCS and communicates with the SCUs
remotely from the machinery spaces. The CCS is the
through the DMS. The PACC provides all controls and
main operating station from which the engineering
displays necessary to operate MCS equipment in both
plant, with the exception of the steering system, is
engine rooms. It also provides for much of the MCS's
controlled and monitored. The three major consoles of
associated auxiliary and support systems operations.
the engineering plant on this class of ship are the PACC,
Figure 3-9 shows that each section of the PACC is
the EPCC, and the EOOW/LU. The PACC can control
dedicated to particular types of control and monitoring.
and monitor all systems and components that interface
Some of the major controls and monitoring systems are
with the SCUs. This equipment includes the propulsion
discussed briefly in the following paragraphs.
machinery, propulsion auxiliaries, and independent
a u x i l i a r i e s . The EPCC controls and monitors the
Fuel Oil Service System
S S G T G s and electrical distribution system. This
includes restart control and monitoring of the four
a i r - c o n d i t i o n i n g plants and some fuel service
The fuel oil service system is remotely controlled
monitoring. The EOOW/LU controls and monitors the
and monitored by the PACC in two parts: (1) fuel oil
MCS data logger and bell logger. We will briefly discuss
service and (2) propulsion fuel. The fuel oil service and
Figure 3-9.--Overall view of PACC.