NEC--Naval Enlisted Classification Code
LOCOP--local operating panel (DD, DDG, and
ing Series
LOP--local operating panel (FFG)
NETPMSA--Naval Education and Training
LP--low pressure
Program Management Support Activity
NRTC--nonresident training course
LS--low speed
NSTM-- Naval Ships' Technical Manual
LSB-- line shaft bearing
LVP--low-voltage protection
OCCSTD-- occupational standard
LVR--low-voltage release
OD--outside diameter
LVRE--low-voltage release effect
OD BOX--oil distribution box
OOD--officer of the deck
MBT--manual bus transfer
PA--prairie air
MDS--maintenance data system
PACC--propulsion and auxiliary control console
MER--main engine room
PAR--Personnel Advancement Requirement
mg/l--milligram per liter
PCB--printed circuit board
MILSPEC-- military specification
PCC--propulsion control console
MILSTD--military standard
PLCC--propulsion local control console
MRC--maintenance requirement card
PMA--performance mark average
MRG-- main reduction gear
PMS--Planned Maintenance System
ppm-- parts per million
PQS-- Personnel Qualification Standards
NATO-- North Atlantic Treaty Organization
psfa-- pounds per square foot absolute
NAVEDTRA--Naval Education and Training
psi--pounds per square inch
NAVSEA-- Naval Sea Systems Command
psia--pounds per square inch absolute
NAVSHIPS-- Naval ships (drawings)
psig--pounds per square inch gauge
NAVSTD-- naval standard