RATING INFORMATIONPROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENTTRAINING SOURCESSubject-Matter Section Identification sheet.Examination Profile Information form.EDUCATIONAL GUIDANCECommand Career CounselorADMINISTRATION AND PROGRAMSMANUFACTURERS' TECHNICAL MANUALSPURPOSES OF PMSSTANDING/NIGHT ORDERSEngineering Log-Continuation Sheet, NAVSEA 3120/2C.Engineering Log-Instructions, NAVSEA 3120/2D.Engineering Log-Title Page, NAVSEA 3120/2A.Engineer's Bell Book, NAVSHIPS 3120/1.Equipment Operating LogsSpecific Gas Turbine Safety PrecautionsSPECIFIC GAS TURBINE SAFETY PRE-CAUTIONSSafety posters.Safety posters.- ContinuedPortable Electric Power ToolsRESPONSIBILITYCaution tag (colored yellow).Danger tag (colored red).Out-of-commission label (colored red).HANDLING HAZARDOUS MATERIALPrecautions Against Oil Spills.Service Tank ReplenishmentStripping ProceduresBOILER WATER/FEEDWATERWaste Heat Boiler TreatmentEnvironmental QualityMAIN SPACE FIRE DOCTRINEEOSS User's GuideSample plant status diagram.Sample training diagram.Casualty control board.Sample component/system alignment diagram.Engineering Operational Casualty ControlWire-twister pliers.Safety-wiring practices.Safety-wiring electrical connectors.TAPS AND DIESTypes of adjustable dies.Thread chasers.Mechanical fingers.PRECISION TOOLSTorque wrenches.Determining torque wrench correction factors.Simple calipers-noncalibrated.Slide caliper.Nomenclature of an outside micrometer caliper.Common types of micrometers.Read a micrometer caliper.TEST EQUIPMENTULTRAVIOLET TEST UNITWolf borescope equipment.Probe used with Wolf borescope.Model 309 vibration meter,Vibration MeterCentrifugePensky-Martens closed-cup flash point tester.FREE WATER DETECTORRESISTANCE BOXESSimpson 260, volt-ohm-milliammeter (vom).Digital voltmeter operating features.ual-trace oscilloscope.A typical wide-range oscillator.HOISTING AND LIFTING DEVICESHand-operated ratchet lever hoist (come-a-long).SUMMARYELECTRICAL THEORY AND MECHANICAL THEORYMAGNETIC FIELDSELECTRICAL POWER GENERATIONVoltage produced by magnetism.VOLTAGE PRODUCED BY FRICTIONVoltage produced by heat.VOLTAGE PRODUCED BY LIGHTMECHANICAL THEORYNEWTON'S FIRST LAWNewton's third law of motion.Relationship of static and dynamic factors-- Bernoulli's principle.Mechanical EnergyThermal EnergyCONSERVATION OF ENERGYLEVERS/LEVERAGEOars are levers.MEASUREMENT OF TEMPERATUREComparison of Kelvin, Celsius, Fahrenheit, and Rankine temperatures.PRESSURE DEFINITIONSSUMMARYINDICATING INSTRUMENTSLiquid-in-glass thermometer.Filled-System ThermometersELECTRICAL TEMPERATURE MEASURING DEVICESTwo typical types of RTDs.ThermocouplesLM2500 thermocouple harness.Allison 501-K17 thermocouple harness.Temperature switch.Simplex Bourdon-tube pressure gauge.Bourdon-tube vacuum gauge.Bellows gauge.Pressure transducer assembly.Calibration setup for absolute pressure transducers.Calibration setup for pressure transducers.Construction of Pressure SwitchesTypical setup fur calibrating a pressure device.Magnetic float switch.VOLTMETERSFrequency meterPHASE-SEQUENCE INDICATORSIce-Detector Signal ConditionersVIBRATION SENSORSFlame-detector block diagram and typical flame detector.ULTRAVIOLET FLAME DETECTORSUMMARYPIPING SYSTEM COMPONENTSGLOBE VALVESBUTTERFLY VALVESTypical seawater ball valve.Typical relief valve.Air-operated control pilot.Diaphragm control valve, upward-seatingPriority valve.Valve manifold showing cutaway view of the valves and typical combination of suction and discharge valves.Valve Handwheel Color CodeValve maintenance checkoff diagram.Grinding-In ValvesTYPES OF STEAM TRAPSBimetallic Steam TrapsConstant-flow drain orifice.Relationship of micron sizes.Pressure Line FiltersFiller assembly using a surface-type elementSimplex FilterProportional-flow filter.Parallel flow in heat exchanger.In-Line or Cone FilterCounterflow in heat exchanger.FLEXIBLE HOSE ASSEMBLIESOther approved single hose length configurations.Hose IdentificationHydrostatic TestPeriodic Inspection By Ship's ForceThreaded JointsSilver-Brazed JointsSilver-brazed joints.FLANGE SAFETY SHIELDSPipe markings.Types of packing.PACKING OF FIXED JOINTSO-ring seal with two cross-sectional views.THREADED LOCKING DEVICESPlastic ring nut.Spring Beam NutsREMOVABLE INSULATIONGENERAL INSULATION PRECAUTIONSApplication criteria for packings and gaskets.Application criteria for packings and gaskets--Continued.ENGINEERING SUPPORT AND AUXILIARY EQUIPMENTCLASSIFICATION OF PUMPSCentrifugal pump flow.Nonpositive-displacement pump.Type-1 mechanical seal.Stuffing box on a centrifugal pump.Operating TroublesRotary PumpsDouble-screw, low-pitch pump.Sliding vane pump.Typical eductor system.Coupling alignment.PURIFIERSDisc-type centrifugal purifier.Path of contaminated oil through a disc-type purifier bowl (DeLaval).Tubular-lype centrifugal purifier.GENERAL NOTES ON PURIFIER OPERATIONSCLASSIFICATION OF AIR COMPRESSORSLPAC (screw type).LPAC (reciprocating type).L.PAC, cross-sectional views (reciprocating type).High-Pressure Air CompressorsHPAC, cross-sectional views.SAFETY PRECAUTIONSREFRIGERATION AIR DEHYDRATORDehydrator (type I).Dehydrator (type II).Boiler components.Tube bundle.Steam separator/water reservoir.Control condenser.Boiler control panel.MISCELLANEOUS COMPONENTSCondensate Collecting SystemSteam system schematic.OILY-WATER SEPARATOROILY-WATER SEPARATOR - ContinuedSUMMARYPOWER TRAIN AND CONTROLLABLE PITCH PROPELLERMain reduction gearRotating elements.GEAR CASINGIntermediate assembly.Construction of a typical sleeve bearing.Kingsbury main thrust bearing and housing.Control Air SystemBrake/clutch assembly - simplifiedSSS clutch assembly.SSS clutch (primary components).Clutch EngagementOIL DISTRIBUTIONMAIN REDUCTION GEAR LUBE OIL SUMPAttached Lube Oil PumpLUBE OIL SERVICE PUMPSATTACHED EQUIPMENTTurning gear mechanism (DD and DDG class ships).Turning gear assembly (CC class ships).Turning gear assembly (FFG class ships).Attached lube oil pump drive.Electrostatic Vent Fog PrecipitatorDehumidifierMRG InstrumentationLiquid sight indicator.Typical turbine brake assembly.Turbine brake panelTypical propeller shaft brake assembly.Propeller shaft brake panelCRP propeller system block diagram.Cross-sectional view of the hub/blade assembly.Blade Seal Base RingHub assembly regulating valve.OIL DISTRIBUTION BOXOil distribution box.CONTROL VALVES MANIFOLD BLOCK ASSEMBLYControl valves and emergency pump assemblies.Hydraulic Oil Power ModuleCRP hydraulic system schematic.CONTROL OILControl valve manifold oil flow.Electrical and hydraulic signal flow between CRP system components.OD Box-Mounted PotentiometersPRAIRIE AIR SYSTEMCross-sectional view of propulsion shaft.Bulkhead seal assemblyMX9 stern tube seal.Stern tube piping diagram (typical).SUMMARYENGINEERING ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENTPolyphase MotorsAn ac generator. A. Brush type. B. Brushless.Typical 3-phase induction motor.SPLIT-PHASE MOTORUNIVERSAL MOTORRear view of a switchboard showing bus bars.Control section, front view.Control section, back view.Distribution section.Shore-power station and receptacle assembly.Type ACB circuit breaker.AQB-A250 circuit breaker. A. Front view. B. With cover removed. C. Shunt trip.AQB-A250 circuit breaker, rear view, with terminal mounting block.AQB-LF250 A. Front view. B. Front view with fuse unit removed. C. Ciurrent-limiting fuse unit.Typical 60-Hz vital circuit using the ABT.A pictorial view of an ABT.Manual Bus TransfersPOWER PANELS AND CABLE MARKINGSMOTOR CONTROLLERSTwo-Speed ControlTHERMAL OVERLOAD RELAYS.LEAD-ACID STORAGE BATTERIESENGINEERING ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCEBasic wire-wrap procedure.Correct and incorrect wire wraps.Wire-wrap removal with wire-wrap removalMOTORS AND GENERATORSRepresentative types of ball bearings.BEARING INSTALLATIONBRUSHESMeasuring brush tension.CIRCUIT BREAKER MAINTENANCECONTROLLER TROUBLESHOOTINGCONTROL CIRCUIT ANALYSISCorrecting Specific GravityTYPES OF CHARGESCHARGING TIMESTATE OF CHARGESUMMARYGLOSSARYGLOSSARY - ContinuedGLOSSARY - ContinuedGLOSSARY - ContinuedGLOSSARY - ContinuedGLOSSARY - ContinuedGLOSSARY - ContinuedGLOSSARY - ContinuedGLOSSARY - ContinuedGLOSSARY - ContinuedGLOSSARY - ContinuedGLOSSARY - ContinuedGLOSSARY - ContinuedGLOSSARY - ContinuedGLOSSARY - ContinuedABBREVIATIONS AND ACRONYMSABBREVIATIONS AND ACRONYMS - ContinuedABBREVIATIONS AND ACRONYMS - ContinuedABBREVIATIONS AND ACRONYMS - ContinuedELECTRICAL SYMBOLSELECTRICAL SYMBOLS - ContinuedELECTRICAL SYMBOLS - ContinuedPIPING PRINT SYMBOLSPIPING PRINT SYMBOLS - ContinuedPIPING PRINT SYMBOLS - Continued