(2) equipment casualties, (3) changes in equipment
way) or the engineering duty officer (EDO) (in
status, (4) changing to or from maneuvering
port) will prepare and sign the remarks. You may
not make erasures in the log. Make corrections
specified by competent authority. You must write
with a single line drawn through the original entry
each entry at the time the event occurred. Use
so that it remains legible. Then write the correct
standard Navy phraseology, and write each
entry. Only the person required to sign the log for
entry as a complete statement.
that watch can make corrections, additions, or
Type commanders may increase the recording
changes, and that person must initial the margin
requirements. Instructions on these increased
of the page.
requirements will be published by written
The engineer officer reviews the log daily for
directives from the type commanders.
The original Engineering Log, prepared neatly
the space provided. The commanding officer
in black ink or pencil, is the legal record. The
approves and signs the Engineering Log-Title
engineering officer of the watch (EOOW) (under
Page, NAVSEA 3120/2A (fig. 2-4), on the last
Figure 2-4.--Engineering Log-Title Page, NAVSEA 3120/2A.