primary objective of the Ships' 3-M Systems is
authority and the responsibility at each level of
to provide for managing maintenance and
the system's operation.
maintenance support in a way to ensure maximum
Training in the maintenance steps as well as
equipment operational readiness. The Ships' 3-M
in the system is necessary. No system is a
Systems is divided into two subsystems. They are
substitute for the actual, technical ability required
the Planned Maintenance System (PMS) and the
of the petty officers who direct and perform the
Maintenance Data System (MDS).
upkeep of the equipment.
The PMS was established for several purposes:
The Current Ship's Maintenance Project
1. To reduce complex maintenance to
(CSMP) is a numerical listing of outstanding
simplified procedures that are easily identified and
deficiencies for all work centers aboard ship.
managed at all levels
Previously, an appropriate shore facility prepared
2. To define the minimum planned main-
and distributed the CSMP. However, because of
tenance required to schedule and control PMS
deployment schedules and delays in mailing, the
CSMP did not reflect the actual status of
3. To describe the methods and tools to be
completed actions. Now, with the introduction of
a 3-M computer system, most ships can prepare
4. To provide for the detection and pre-
and update their own CSMP and deliver it on tape
vention of impending casualties
to the appropriate shore facility.
5. To forecast and plan manpower and
As a third class petty officer, you prepare
material requirements
forms for deferred maintenance actions and/or
6. To plan and schedule maintenance tasks
work requests. If a problem arises with a piece
7. To estimate and evaluate material readiness
of equipment that cannot be repaired within
8. To detect areas requiring additional or
30 days, you must prepare a deferred action. If
improved personnel training and/or improved
the problem is beyond a ship's force capability
maintenance techniques or attention
to repair, you have to prepare a deferred
9. To provide increased readiness of the ship
action/work request. It is very important that you
maintain a timely and accurate account for trend
analysis so supervisors can organize effective work
The PMS is a tool of command. By using
PMS, the commanding officer can readily
Because of rapid changes in the Ships' 3-M
determine whether his ship is being properly
Systems, always refer to a current copy of the
Ships' Maintenance and Material Management
improved. Preventive maintenance reduces the
(3-M) Manual.
need for major corrective maintenance, increases
economy, and saves the cost of repairs.
The PMS assures better records because the
shipboard maintenance manager has more useful
In this section we will discuss the portions of
data. The flexibility of the system allows for
engineering administration pertinent to you as a
programming of inevitable changes in employ-
third class GSE or GSM, such as the Engineering
ment schedules. This helps to better plan
Department Organization and Regulations
preventive maintenance,
Manual (EDORM), logs and records, programs,
The PMS helps leadership and management
the Personnel Qualification Standards (PQS), the
reduce frustrating breakdowns and irregular hours
Main Space Fire Doctrine, and the EOSS.
of work, and thus improves morale. It enhances
the effectiveness of all hands.
The EDORM is a joint type-commander in-
The PMS is not self-starting; it does
struction (COMNAVSURFLANTINST 3540.18
not automatically produce good results. It
and COMNAVSURFPACINST 3540.14) that is
requires considerable professional guidance and
usually modified by each ship to suit the ship's
continuous direction at each level of the system's
special requirements. You should refer to it
operation. One individual must have both the
for matters pertaining to the organization,