maneuvering in restricted waters or along-
side another ship. The commanding officer's
Restricted Maneuvering Doctrine may also
You will be required to maintain various
engineering logs and records. The Engineering
include instructions on casualty control pro-
Log and the Engineer's Bell Book or Automatic
The engineer officer also has standing
Bell Log are the only legal documents compiled
orders covering a wide variety of subjects.
by the engineering department. The Engineering
They include instructions for watch standers,
Log is a midnight-to-midnight record of the ship's
engineering department. The Engineer's Bell Book
reporting procedures for casualties, and log
or Automatic Bell Log is a legal document of any
Another standing order, which is more
engine order regarding a change in the movement
of a shipboard instruction, is the ship's
of the propeller(s). Any other logs and records
Fire Doctrine. All personnel aboard ship
that you may be required to maintain, such as
need to familiarize themselves with its con-
equipment operating logs, are not normally
tents. The Fire Doctrine contains all the
considered legal documents.
basic information necessary to know for report-
ing, fighting, and extinguishing a shipboard
Engineering Log
Night orders have information on all propul-
You will use the Engineering Log, NAVSEA
sion and auxiliary equipment in use, any expected
3120/2B (fig. 2-l), and the Engineering Log-
major speed changes, or changes to plant status.
Continuation, NAVSEA 3120/2C (fig. 2-2), to
They include any special instructions the engineer
record important daily events and data pertain-
officer may have for the watch standers. When
ing to the engineering department and the opera-
the ship is underway, the engineer officer writes
tion of the engineering plant. The log has spaces
the night orders and has them delivered to central
for you to record equipment in operation; ship's
control station (CCS) on the 2000 to 2400
draft and displacement; liquid load in gallons and
percent; the name of the ship, the date, and the
Figure 2-2.--Engineering Log-Continuation Sheet, NAVSEA 3120/2C.