This prevents injuries from short circuits and
property damage attributed to accidental causes.
accidental cranking of engines.
The use of the term Safety Program in this chapter
signifies both occupational safety and health.
3. Avoid holding or touching spark plugs,
ignition units, or high-tension leads while they are
Operating personnel must be thoroughly
familiar with the technical manuals and other
publications concerning equipment under their
4. When turning an engine by hand, use
care. Operating personnel must continuously
standard safety procedures to prevent injuries to
exercise good judgment and employ common
fingers or hands.
sense in the preparation, setting-up, and operation
5. Retain adequate speed control of the
of all engines to prevent damage to the engines
power turbine (PT) by keeping the fuel control
and injury to personnel.
and speed control governors connected. When
Personnel can prevent damage to machinery
operating or starting an engine, do not, under any
by properly preparing and operating the equip-
circumstances, disconnect the governors.
ment; by following instructions and procedures
6. Do not use oxygen to pressure test fuel
outlined in the EOSS (which is discussed in the
lines and equipment.
last section of this chapter); by observing
7 . Do not use compressed air to spin ball or
cleanliness in handling all parts of the engine,
lubricating oils, and fuel oils; and by being
8. Take precautions to avoid inhaling vapors
completely familiar with all parts and functions
of lacquer thinner, trichlorethylene, and similar
of the machinery.
You can prevent damage to the ship by
9. Avoid changes to the high-speed stop on
operating the machinery so no loss of power
the fuel control and adjustments to the speed con-
occurs at an inopportune time, by keeping engines
trol governors. If you have to make adjustments,
ready for service in any emergency, and by
f o l l o w the appropriate technical manual
preventing hazardous conditions that may cause
fire or explosion. Always maintain fire-fighting
10. Follow the appropriate guides in the
equipment in a "ready to use" state.
NAVSEA technical manuals for making periodic
You can prevent injury to personnel by
inspections and testing the safety control circuits
having a thorough knowledge of duties, by
and automatic shutdown devices.
knowing how to properly handle tools and operate
equipment, by observing normal precautions
11. Do not wear jewelry and watches while
around moving parts, and by receiving constant
working on GTEs.
12. Take precautions to avoid touching
Other everyday safety habits that you should
exposed hot parts of the engine. Do not perform
follow include (1) maintaining clean fuel, air,
maintenance work until the engine has been shut
down and cooled.
preventing the accumulation of oil in the bilges
13. To protect against personnel or fire
or other pockets or foundations and subbases; (3)
hazards, ensure that all thermal insulation and/or
taking care, particularly when on an uneven keel,
shields are intact and sound.
that water in the bilges does not reach electrical
14. If a false start occurs, always purge the
machinery or wiring; and (4) ensuring that safety
engine using the EOSS procedure. This is very
guards are provided at exposed danger points.
important and cannot be overemphasized.
15. Make certain that the combustor drains
operate freely. Do not allow fuel to accumulate
CAUTIONS.--In the interest of personnel and
machinery safety, you must adhere to the follow-
Later firing could cause a hot start.
ing safety precautions specifically related to the
16. Wear proper ear protection in the engine
gas turbine:
room while GTEs are in operation.
17. Ensure all ducting permits free flow. Air
1. Do not attempt to operate equipment by
intake and exhaust openings must allow un-
overriding automatic shutdown or warning
restricted flow of the gas. The performance of gas
turbines drops off quite rapidly with increased
2. Disconnect batteries or other sources of
duct losses.
electrical power before performing maintenance.