getting shocked, burned, and being exposed to one
could result from the improper operation of
or more hazards. If you are at the scene of an
equipment. The purpose of the equipment tag-out
accident, you will be expected to assist the victim
program is to provide a procedure to prevent im-
as quickly as possible.
proper operation when a component, equipment,
When a victim is rendered unconscious
system, or portion of a system is isolated or in
by electric shock, you should start artificial
an abnormal condition. This procedure should
also be used when other safety devices, such as
permissible delay is that time required to free the
blank flanges, a r e installed for testing,
maintenance, or casualty isolation.
quickest, safest way. This step must be done with
The use of DANGER or CAUTION tags is
great care, otherwise there may be two victims
not a substitute for other safety measures, such as
rather than one.
locking valves, pulling fuses, or racking out circuit
If contact is with a portable electric tool, light,
breakers. Tags applied to valves, switches, or
appliance, equipment, or portable extension cord,
other components should indicate restrictions on
turn off the bulkhead supply switch or remove
operation of systems or equipment, or restrictions
t h e plug from its bulkhead receptacle.
necessary to avoid damage to safety devices.
Clearly warn other persons arriving at the scene
Never use tags for identification purposes.
The procedures in this program are mandatory
not to touch the suspected equipment until it is
to standardize tag-out procedures used by all ships
unplugged. You should seek aid to unplug the
and repair activities. The program also provides
device as soon as possible.
a procedure for use when an instrument is unreli-
able or is not in normal operating condition. It is
similar to the tag-out procedure except that labels
instead of tags are used to indicate instrument
status. The tag-out program must be enforced
Where a victim is in contact with stationary
during normal operations as well as during
equipment, such as a bus bar or electrical
construction, testing, repair, or maintenance.
connections, pull the victim free if the equipment
Strict enforcement of tag-out procedures is
cannot be quickly de-energized, or if the ship's
required by both you and any repair activity that
operations or survival prevent immediate securing
may be working on your equipment.
of the circuits. To save time in pulling the victim
RESPONSIBILITY. --The commanding offi-
free, improvise a protective insulation for your-
cer is responsible for the safety of the entire
self. For example, instead of hunting for a pair of
command. It is the duty of the commanding of-
rubber gloves to use in grasping the victim, you
ficer to ensure that all personnel know all
can safely pull the victim free by using your belt
applicable safety precautions and procedures and
a line, or a wooden cane. During the rescue, do not allow any
to ensure compliance with the program. The
part of your body to directly touch the hull, metal
engineer officer is responsible to the commanding
structure, furniture, or victim's skin.
officer for ensuring that personnel assigned to the
engineering department understand and comply
with this program.
When repairs are done by a repair activity, a
dual responsibility exists for the safety of the
repair personnel to ensure that conditions are safe
After removing a victim of electric shock from
for all work being done. The ship tended is re-
sponsible for and controls the tag-out program on
the systems that require work. The repair activity
or closed-chest cardiac massage. We are not
is responsible for ensuring compliance with the
going to discuss these various procedures in this
manual. Your ship's corpsman will teach them to
you during the annual electrical safety lecture
PROCEDURES.--When you identify the
aboard ship.
need to tag out a piece of equipment or a system,
you must get permission from an authorizing
Equipment Tag-Out Program
officer. The authorizing officer for the engineer-
An effective tag-out program is necessary
ing department will be the EOOW while under
because of the complexity of modern ships as well
way or the EDO while in port. If the system or
as the cost, delay, and hazard to personnel that
equipment tagged is placed out of commission,