purifiers are in operation to make sure they do
using packaged lube oil, you should filter it
not lose the water seal and dump the oil into the
through a 60-mesh or finer screen. Do not pour
bilge or the contaminated oil tank. During tank
oil directly from drums or cans into the operating
cleaning operations, pump all oily waste from the
equipment. Before introducing new or renovated
tank into the sludge barge.
oil into the circulating systems or storage tanks,
Since control of shipboard oil pollution is
complicated by the many and varied sources of
You will have to maintain specimens of
systems. These systems serve to
satisfactory oil in properly labeled and corked
glass containers. Upon receiving a new supply of
1. reduce oily waste generation,
oil, take samples for comparison with the
2. store waste oil and oily waste,
specimens of the same brand to make certain that
3. monitor oil and oily waste,
the correct oil has been received. Every oil has
4. transfer or off-load waste oil and oily waste
definite general characteristics, such as color,
to shore facilities, and
odor, and specific gravity, that an experienced
5. process oily waste.
engineer may recognize. These specimens are also
useful in checking for darkening of in-use oils.
It is the responsibility of the training officers
to ensure that formal training is provided to key
Precautions Against Oil Spills.--Any planned
personnel responsible for maintaining and
industrial process, operation, or product must
operating pollution control equipment.
integrate the prevention of environmental
pollution. The preferred method of abatement
and control of environmental pollution is at the
Reporting and Clean-Up of Oil Spills.--All
source of the pollutants.
oil spills and slicks or sheens within the 50-mile
You should know the potential sources of oil
prohibited zone of the United States must be
spills and oil waste that may cause pollution if
reported immediately in following the provisions
proper procedures are not carried out. The follow-
of OPNAVINST 5090.1. Ships have been given
ing is a list of common sources of oil and oily
the capability to provide immediate and remedial
waste that find their way into the water:
action until relieved by shore-based response units
or, in the case of non-Navy or foreign ports, to
clean up the entire spill. Shore-based units are
internal transfer operations
seldom available in non-Navy or foreign ports.
2. Leakage through hull structure into bilges
A cleanup kit has been developed for use by
3. Stripping from the contaminated oil settling
ships' crews. A description of the kit and instruc-
tions for its use will be found in the U.S. Navy
4. Ballast water from fuel tanks of non-
Oil Spill Containment and Cleanup Kit, Mark I,
compensated fuel systems or bulk carriers
NAVSEA 0994-LP-013-6010. This manual in-
5. Ballast water from compensated fuel tank
cludes safety precautions applicable to the use of
systems during refueling, defueling, and internal
the kit, as well as the recommended shipboard
transfer operations
allowance. The Navy training film MN-11316
6. Tank cleaning operations
documents and demonstrates the use of the kit
7. Leakage and drainage from equipment and
on an actual spill. Many times quick reaction by
a trained crew can result in the containment of,
8. Contaminated oil from centrifugal purifiers
and often in the collection of, the entire spill
9. Used oil from equipment during an oil
without the assistance of shore-based personnel.
Before any fueling, defueling, or internal
Fuel system management involves procedures
transfer operation is started, ensure that all
related to the receipt of fuel and the maintenance
machinery and piping systems have been checked
of the fuel system equipment. In addition, it
for tightness and signs of leaking glands, seals,
involves those procedures that limit the discharge
and gaskets. When changing oil or adding oil to
of fuel into the water. Under this topic, we will
machinery, take care not to spill the oil into the
discuss general requirements for receipt, storage,
bilge. Have a drip pan and rags ready for use if
testing, and tank stripping of F-76 fuel. For more
needed. Keep a close watch when centrifugal