aboard ship. Personnel must take samples for off-
Receiving JP-5 Fuel.--Before and during
ship tests monthly or as ordered if operating conditions per-
receipt of JP-5 fuel, take samples in containers
mit. Take samples from the following locations:
that permit visible inspection of the fuel. The
criteria for the acceptance or rejection of JP-5 fuel
is as follows:
1. The service filter discharge
2. One nozzle per quadrant
1. A clear, clean sample indicates acceptable
JP-5 fuel is being received.
2. If the sample is cloudy, stop the replenish-
ment operation until the source of the cloud is
Take samples from the service system filter
determined by observing the sample.
and fueling station nozzles after the system has
been recirculated for at least 2 minutes. Ensure
If the cloud disappears at the bottom,
the fuel samples are typical of the fuel delivered
air is present and the JP-5 fuel is acceptable.
to the aircraft. Take samples during aircraft fuel-
ing operations.
If the cloud disappears at the top, water
You must use glass containers of 1 quart
is present. In this event, fleet oilers will begin
minimum size. Ensure the inner cap seal does not
proper stripping and will usually correct cloudiness
contain paraffin, corrosive metal, or other
c a u s e d by large amounts of free water.
material liable to contaminate fuel. The containers
If the cloud does not begin clearing in
should have noncorrosive, noncontaminating caps
5 minutes, heat the sample to about 25 above
to eliminate false or misleading laboratory
the temperature of the fuel in the tank from which
message reports that could require disruption of
the sample was taken. If the sample clears, the
fueling from a satisfactory filter.
cloud was due only to dissolved water and the
Thoroughly clean and dry the containers.
JP-5 is acceptable. If the sample does not clear,
Inspect them for cleanliness before use. Before
excessive water is present and you should accept
sampling JP-5 fuel, rinse the clean container and
the JP-5 fuel only in an emergency.
flush it several times with the fuel being sampled.
Then fill it, leaving about a l/2-inch space for
3. If the sample contains excessive solid con-
expansion. Cap and mark the glass container
tamination, accept the JP-5 only in an emergency.
immediately. Mark the glass sample container to
To make JP-5 that contains excessive amounts of
include all of the following items:
water and/or solids acceptable for aircraft use,
1. H e a d i n g : A v i a t i o n F u e l S a m p l e
you can use the following methods:
2. Identification of the ship submitting the
Extend the settling time.
sample (name and hull number).
3. The fueling station number or service
Meticuously strip the tank.
filter/seperator discharge sampled.
4. The type of fuel.
Properly use and maintain the cen-
5. The date the sample is drawn.
trifugal purifier and the filter/separators in the
6. The name of the person drawing the
transfer system and the main service system.
7. Laboratory instructions: Test for sediment,
Stripping Procedures.--You should continue
flash point, and corrosion (if ap-
stripping JP-5 tanks until a sample from the
plicable). Notify the ship by message if the
stripping pump outlet indicates all sediment and
water in the tanks has been removed. A visual
point is below 136F (57.8C) or if FSII is less than
sample is sufficient for storage tank stripping.
0.03 percent. The message should specifyitems 3, 4, and
However, under certain circumstances, you must
6, as well as the sample results. A follow-up routine
test service tanks using an free water detector and
report of the test results for all samples submitted is requested.
contaminated fuel detector. For detailed information on
requirements for stripping of storage and service tanks, refer
8. Resamples of reported contaminated
to Naval Ships' Technical Manual, chapter 542.
samples must include the following markings:
Resample, request immediate analysis, and the
Testing JP-5 Fuel.--Testing of JP-5 fuel is
message report.
done at an approved testing laboratory and also
9. On special samples, outline suspected problems
and symptoms.