7. Whenever unusual conditions exist as
alkalinity can cause caustic corrosion, which can
determined by the EOOW or EDO
cause damage as severe as acidic corrosion.
If an emergency should arise and it becomes
the major hardness constituents and primary
necessary to use shore source feedwater not
sources of scale in boilers. The major source of
meeting the requirements for feedwater, sample
scale is shore water. Scale deposits act as
and test the boiler water hourly. Then treat it
accordingly. Hourly testing followed by required
surface. Deposits on the boiler tubes will cause
treatment must continue until the distilling plants
the temperature of the metal to increase until
are producing the required quality water and the
overheating, metal softening, blistering, and
distillate can be used as makeup.
failure occur.
3. Dissolved oxygen (pitting)-When dis-
Handling and Safety of Treatment Chem-
solved oxygen enters the boiler water, it causes
icals. --When handling the TSP or caustic soda,
localized corrosion and pitting of tube metal.
you must wear a face shield, rubber gloves, and
4. Chloride (pitting corrosion)-Excessive
a rubber apron. Concentrated solutions of these
chloride readings indicate seawater contamina-
chemicals are corrosive and will cause burns to
tion. Chloride dissolves the protective layer on
the skin, eyes, and body tissue. If you get TSP,
boiler metal and pitting corrosion instead of
caustic soda, or their solutions anywhere on your
general corrosion results.
body, flush the area with cold water. Obtain
immediate medical attention if it enters your eyes.
The boiler cannot be operated safely and
Ensure the safety dispensing bottle is marked
efficiently without careful attention to, and
and used for boiler-water treatment chemicals
control of, feedwater and boiler water.
only. The safety dispensing bottle is made from
linear polyethylene, which has a maximum use
Waste Heat Boiler Treatment.--The require-
temperature of 176F. As the TSP and DSP
ments for treating and maintaining WHBs are
dissolve, they generate heat. Water temperature
contained in Naval Ships' Technical Manual,
will increase slightly. Do not use hot water to
chapter 220. To maintain the WHB, you will need
dissolve the chemicals. This may cause the safety
to perform the required tests on the boiler water,
dispensing bottle to exceed its temperature use
feedwater, and shore water. The WHBs are
treated by two methods, continuous injection
You can add TSP to water or vice versa
and/or the batch feed method. Normally, the
without difficulty. You should always add DSP
preferred method is continuous injection. If this
to water because DSP tends to cake if water is
method fails, you can use the batch feed method.
poured over it.
The boilers are treated with trisodium
Physical Security Program
phosphate (TSP) and disodium phosphate (DSP).
The TSP provides alkalinity and phosphate. The
Physical security involves the security of the
DSP provides additional phosphate without
engineering plant to ensure unauthorized entry
significantly affecting the alkalinity.
into unoccupied space and unauthorized tamper-
ing with engineering equipment does not occur.
Testing of the WHB for alkalinity, phosphate,
Basically, physical security entails the installation
and chloride is at the following frequencies:
and use of security devices (locks and locking pins)
to prevent unauthorized personnel from altering
the configuration of the engineering plant. This
is started
could include preventing engineering personnel
2. Within 1 hour before beginning blowdowns
from using fluids without reporting their use. It
3. Thirty to 60 minutes after blowdowns
could also prevent anyone from sabotaging the
4. As often as required to maintain the limits,
plant. Specific instructions on the management
but at least every 8 hours (maximum of
of the physical security program are contained in
8 hours between samples)
the EDORM.
5. Thirty to 60 minutes after batch chemical
The physical security program should be
designed with common sense and accountability
6. Within 1 1/2 hours before the generator is
in mind. If something is to be locked, the keys