on the tag. As you attach each tag, you then must
equipment. These instructions must give the
sign the tag and initial the record sheet. After all
specific reason that the tag was installed. The use
tags are attached, a second qualified person
of such phrases as DO NOT OPERATE
ensures the items are in the position and
condition indicated, verifies proper tag placement,
appropriate since equipment or systems are not
signs the tags, and initials the record sheet.
operated unless permission has been granted by
responsible authority. A CAUTION tag is NOT
TYPES OF TAGS.--The following is a list of
used any time personnel or equipment can be
the various tags and the applications required to
endangered while performing evolutions using
be used from time to time.
normal operating procedures; a DANGER tag is
Caution Tag.--A YELLOW tag (fig. 2-8) is
used in this case.
used as a precautionary measure to provide
temporary special instructions or to indicate that
Danger Tag.--A RED tag (fig. 2-9) is used to
unusual caution must be exercised to operate
prohibit the operation of equipment that could
Figure 2-9.--Danger tag (colored red).