in good repair. Before using them, inspect them
recognized by operating personnel in the fleet.
to see that they are properly grounded. Plug a tool
This is shown by the relatively few reports of
equipped with a three-prong plug only in a three-
serious electrical shock received from this voltage,
hole electrical receptacle. Never remove the third
despite its widespread use. However, a number
prong. Make absolutely sure the tool is equipped
of shipboard fatalities have been reported due to
with a properly grounded conductor. If the tool
contact with 115-volt circuits. Low-voltage (115
has a metal case, be sure to ground it following
volts and below) circuits are very dangerous and
chapter 300 of Naval Ships' Technical Manual.
can cause death. This is most likely to occur when
The newer, double-insulated plastic-framed tools
do NOT have ground wires and have only a two-
and especially when current passes through or
prong plug.
across the chest. Extra care and awareness of the
Observe all safety precautions when operating
hazards associated with normal shipboard
any portable electric equipment. Wear rubber
conditions must be emphasized. Perspiration
gloves whenever plugging into or unplugging
and/or damp clothing result in a decrease in the
from any 115-volt circuit or under particularly
resistance of the human body. Low body
hazardous conditions. Some of these conditions
resistance along with the ship's metal structure are
include environments such as wet decks, bilge
the breeding grounds for severe electrical shock.
areas, or when working over the side of the ship
Accidentally placing or dropping a metal tool,
in rafts or small boats.
a rule, a flashlight case, or any other conducting
Before using any portable electrical equip-
article across an energized line can cause a short
ment, visually examine the attached cable with
circuit. The arc and fire that may result on even
plug (including extension cords, when used).
relatively low-voltage circuits can cause extensive
Tears, chafing, exposed insulated conductors, and
damage to equipment and serious injury to
damaged plugs are causes for cable or plug
replacement. Where PMS is installed, conduct
Since the ship's service power distribution
tests following instructions on the maintenance
systems are designed to be ungrounded, many
requirement cards (MRCs).
personnel believe it is safe to touch one
Other safe practices in the use of portable
conductor since no electrical current flows. This
electric power tools include the following:
is not true. If one conductor of an ungrounded
system is touched while the body is in contact with
Before using the tool, lay all portable
the ship's hull or other metal equipment enclosure,
cables so you and others cannot trip over them.
a fatal electric current may pass through the body.
Normally, the length of extension cords used with
portable tools will not exceed 25 feet. Extension
HAZARDOUS. Where working conditions
cords of 100 feet are authorized on flight and
warrant it, wear appropriate protective clothing.
hangar deck areas only. Extension cords of 100
Make it a habit to look for and correct
feet are also found in damage control lockers, but
defective tools and equipment, improper ground-
are labeled for Emergency Use Only.
ing, and rotating machinery hazards.
Do not use jury-rigged extension cords that
Hand Tools .--Normally, you should have no
have metal "handy boxes" for receptacle ends of
problems when working with hand tools. It is
the cord. All extension cords must have noncon-
entirely possible that you have seen some
ductive plugs and receptacle housings.
dangerous practices in the use of hand tools that
Do not unplug a cord by yanking on it.
should have been avoided. One unsafe practice
involves the use of tools with plastic or wooden
When making electrical connections,
handles that are cracked, chipped, splintered,
a l w a y s start at the load and work back
broken, or otherwise unserviceable. Using such
to the source. When disconnecting electrical
tools will probably result in accidents and personal
connections, start at the source and work toward
injuries, such as cuts, bruises, and foreign objects
the load.
being thrown in the eyes. If unserviceable hand
Stow the tool in its assigned place after you
tools are not repairable, discard and replace them.
are through using it.
For further instructions on the safe use of hand
tools, refer to chapter 3 of this TRAMAN and
Use and Care of Hand Tools and Measuring Tools,
SHOCK.--Your job is risky even under the best
working conditions. Despite the fact that accidents
Portable Electric Power Tools.--Portable
are preventable, you run a good chance of
power tools should be clean, properly oiled, and