The record sheet includes reference to any
the authorizing officer must get permission
documents that apply-such as PMS, technical
from the engineer officer and the commanding
manuals, and other instructions, the reason
officer. When permission has been received, the
for the tag-out, the hazards involved, any
authorizing officer then directs you to prepare the
amplifying instructions, and the work necessary
tag-out record sheet and tags.
to clear the tags. Use enough tags to completely
Normally, the petty officer in charge of the
isolate the system or circuit being worked on to
work fills out and signs the record sheet and
prevent operation from any and all stations that
prepares the tags. The record sheet is filled out
could exercise control. Indicate the location and
for a stated purpose. All tags for that purpose are
condition of the tagged item by the simplest means
normally listed on one record sheet. Each sheet
(for example, FOS-11A, closed).
is assigned a log serial number. All tags associated
When the tags and record sheets are filled out,
with it are given the same log serial number and
a second person must make an independent check
a sequential number is entered on the record sheet.
of the tag coverage.
For example, tag E107-4 is the fourth tag issued
When attaching the tags, you must ensure that
on the record sheet with the log serial number 107
the item is in the position or condition indicated
for engineering.
Figure 2-8.--Caution tag (colored yellow).