Figure 1-2.--Examination Profile Information form.
other ratings. (All petty officers have military as
Fire-Fighting and Damage Control Schools
well as technical duties.) Operating and maintain-
ing a ship's engineering plant and associated
At various times throughout your Navy career,
equipment requires teamwork along with a special
you may also attend various fire-fighting and
kind of leadership ability that can only be
damage control schools. There can NEVER be
developed by personnel who have a high degree
enough emphasis placed on the importance of
of technical competence and a deep sense of
damage control aboard ship. You will find that
personal responsibility. Strive to improve your
damage control and fire drills will be held
leadership ability and technical knowledge
routinely in port, at sea, and during special fleet
through study, observation, and practical
exercises or refresher training. You must learn
your duties for damage control emergencies to the
very best of your ability because your life and the
Technical leadership involves more than just
lives of your shipmates may depend on your
giving orders. In fact, you can demonstrate some
of the most important aspects of technical leader-
ship even if you are not directly supervising other
personnel. As a GSE or GSM, you demonstrate
technical leadership when you follow orders
There are two general types of training
exactly, when you follow safety precautions, and
manuals (TRAMANs). RATING manuals (such
when you accept responsibility. Also, when you
as this one) are prepared for most enlisted ratings.
continue to increase your professional knowledge
A rating manual gives information directly related
and when you perform every detail of your work
to the OCCSTDs of one rating. SUBJECT
MATTER manuals or BASIC manuals give
technical leadership know-how.
information that applies to more than one rating.
Training manuals are revised to keep them up-
Another way in which to gain additional
to-date technically. The revision of a rate train-
leadership skills is through attendance at the
ing manual is identified by a letter following the
Naval Leadership Development Program
NAVEDTRA number. You can tell whether any
(NLDP) school. All petty officers should
particular copy of a training manual is the latest
attend this school to fine tune the leadership skills
edition by checking the NAVEDTRA number and
they have attained through study, observation,
the letter following this number in the most
and application.
recent edition of the List of Training Manuals and