personnel properly to maintain and to operate
This training manual is designed to help you
these ships.
increase your knowledge in the various aspects of
the Gas Turbine Systems Technician ratings. It
will help you prepare for advancement to third
class petty officer. Your contribution to the Navy
depends on your willingness and ability to accept
increasing responsibilities as you advance in rate.
A third class GSE or GSM has the opportunity
When you assume the duties of a Gas Turbine
to work with a wide variety of main propulsion,
auxiliary, and electrical equipment. The GSE is
Systems Technician (Electrical) (GSE) or a Gas
Turbine Systems Technician (Mechanical) (GSM),
primarily responsible for the electronic control
you begin to accept certain responsibilities for the
work of others. As you advance in your career,
control consoles, and designated electrical equip-
you accept additional responsibilities in military
ment associated with shipboard propulsion and
subjects as well as occupational and training
electrical power generating plants. The GSM is
requirements for the GSE or GSM rating.
primarily responsible for the operation and
After studying this chapter, you should be able
maintenance of the gas turbine engines (GTEs),
to describe the GSE/GSM ratings in terms of their
history and present status, to identify the duties
and associated equipment (such as pumps, valves,
and responsibilities of GSEs and GSMs, to
oil purifiers, heat exchangers, shafts, and shaft
summarize the advancement requirements for
bearings). As you continue to advance in the
GSEs and GSMs, and to list the general training
Navy, as a GSE or GSM you will increasingly
sources available for you.
cross-train between GSE and GSM. This will
prepare you for more demanding assignments.
We have arranged the GSE3/GSM3 Volumes
1 and 2 manuals to give you a systematic
understanding of your job. The occupational
standards (OCCSTDs) used in preparation of the
training manuals are contained in the Manual
USS Spruance (DD-963), the Navy realized there
of Navy Enlisted Manpower and Personnel
was a need for the formation of a specialized gas
Classifications and Occupational Standards,
turbine rating. At that time, personnel drawn
NAVPERS 18068. We recommend that you
primarily from the Electrician's Mate (EM),
study the GSE and GSM sections of NAV-
PERS 18068E to gain an understanding of the
Electrician (IC) ratings were being put through
skills required of a GSE/GSM. Then study the
special gas turbine pipeline training for duty
subject matter carefully. The knowledge you gain
aboard the new gas turbine ships. Then, in 1978
will enable you to become a more proficient
the decision was made to form the GSE and GSM
technician, and you and the Navy will profit from
ratings. On October 1, 1978, both ratings were
your skills.
put into effect. All EMs, ENs, and ICs with
DD-963 class Naval Enlisted Classification Codes
(NECs) were converted to GSE or GSM, as
applicable. Then, with the introduction of the
Oliver Hazard Perry (FFG-7) to the fleet,
The office of the Chief of Naval Operations
more schools and NECs were required to train
monitors current and future vacancies in the