well. That means doing the job well on shore or
Navy. These vacancies are changed to quotas for
at sea. Your performance is reported in your
each rate in all Navy ratings. Quotas are used to
performance evaluation. Let's look at evaluations
determine the number of selectees for advance-
to see their impact on advancement.
ment in each advancement cycle.
Your ability to fill one of the quotas in your
rating depends on how well you know and do your
job and on your desire and readiness for advance-
ment. The Navy provides you with challenging
REPORT is the most significant management tool
work and training that helps you learn more about
in your service record. It is one of the first
your job. Your seniors are interested in seeing you
documents used by your superiors to make
advance. They provide feedback to you through
advancement decisions about you because it is a
personal contact and performance evaluations.
continuous record of your performance. You can
The rest is up to you.
influence what goes into your evaluation by
having sustained superior performance. In plain
words, always do top-notch work.
You must complete several steps to be-
FACTOR.--The average of your performance
ome eligible for advancement. These steps
evaluation marks are converted to a performance
include completing the time requirements, Per-
mark average (PMA). This is one of the more
sonnel Advancement Requirements (PARs), and
important factors used to compute your final
military required courses and tests; receiving a
multiple score (FMS). Three factors are used
recommendation by your commanding officer;
in the figuring of your FMSexperience,
meeting physical readiness/body fat standards;
performance, and exam score. Your FMS is
completing required professional performance
used to rank-order you against all other candidates
courses; and passing the advancement-in-rate
who take the same exam as you. To give you some
examination. For more specific information on
idea of the impact your performance has on your
your eligibility, contact your educational services
FMS (and your chances for advancement), look
officer (ESO).
at the following figures: If you are a candidate
for PO3 or PO2, 30 percent of your FMS is based
on your performance; if you are a PO1 candidate,
the percentage is 35 percent; for CPO, it is 40
Two of the most important aspects of your
professional development are SUSTAINED
Studying for Advancement
FOR ADVANCEMENT. How you do your job
determines how you are evaluated. To achieve an
Closely related to your ability to perform in
evaluation of sustained superior performance, you
a superior manner is the amount and quality of
must demonstrate a continual outstanding job
studying you do. An advancement handbook
performance in all areas of your rate. Your
(Advancement Handbook for Petty Officers, Gas
exam performance, rating knowledge, and work
Turbine Systems Technician (GS), NAVED-
performance demonstrate the extent of your
TRA 71065) is available to help you prepare and
study for advancement. A handbook exists for
every rating in the Navy. Each handbook is
Sustained Superior Performance
divided into three parts. The first part explains
the Navy Advancement System; the second part
Your key to success in the Navy is a sustained
contains the naval standards (NAVSTDs) with
superior performance. You can be a top
their supporting bibliography; the third part
performer among your peers by reaching for your
contains the OCCSTDs with their supporting
full potential. Remember, the higher your
bibliography and the PARs. Your rating hand-
advancement goal, the stiffer the competition.
book shows you what courses are mandatory
Your performance evaluations must show that
requirements for advancement.
you are among the best in the Navy, not just at
You should concentrate on three major areas
your present command. The Navy wants and
of study, (1) information particular to your job
promotes people with a record of doing the job