from the SSGTG enters the boiler from the
Access ports are provided for maintenance and
bottom, passes around and between the boiler
tube bundle, heating the water inside the tubes,
and discharges through the side of the casing
(fig. 7-29).
Tube Bundle
The tube bundle (fig. 7-30) is made up of
smooth bore, finned tubes. The tubes are wound
in flat spiral coils and are assembled to the inlet
and outlet headers so the spaces between coils
The casing, consisting of a half section
coincide. This arrangement allows the flow of
and two quarter sections, is made with an
exhaust gas around and between the tubes for
inner wall, an outer wall, and a blanket of
maximum heat transfer with minimum pressure
spun glass insulation sandwiched in between.
drop across the boiler.
Figure 7-30.--Tube bundle.