and metal end fittings. It is used to absorb
Approved Flexible Hose
motions between resiliently mounted machinery
and fixed or resiliently mounted piping systems.
The motions to be considered may be of either
The arrangements (or configurations) deter-
relatively large size due to high-impact shock or
of smaller size due to the vibratory forces of
characteristics and to accommodate the motions
rotating machinery. The configuration selected
of resiliently mounted equipment are shown in
must contain enough hose to accommodate shock
figures 6-36 and 6-37. The 90 "L" con-
and vibratory motions without stressing the hose
figuration (dogleg) is the preferred configuration;
assembly or machinery to an unacceptable degree.
however, where space and piping arrangement
Figure 6-37.--Other approved single hose length configurations.