Reusable End Fittings-There is no
shelf life for end fittings. They should
Some type of connector must be provided to
be replaced on an individual basis
attach the pipe, tube, or hose to the other
when examination makes them suspect.
components of the system and to connect sections
of the line to each other. There are many different
types of connectors (commonly called fittings)
provided for this purpose. Some of the most
common types of fittings are covered in the
No servicing or maintenance is required since
following paragraphs.
hose or fittings must be replaced at the slightest
suspicion of potential failure. If a fitting is
removed from a section of hose, that hose
Threaded Joints
section must not be reused, regardless of its
service life.
The threaded joints are the simplest type of
pipe fittings. Threaded fittings are not widely used
aboard modern ships except in low-pressure water
Service Life of Rubber Hose
piping systems. The pipe ends connected to the
union are threaded, silver-brazed, or welded
into the tail pieces (union halves); then the two
All rubber hose has a periodic replacement
ends are joined by setting up (engaging and
time. All flexible rubber hose connections will be
tightening up on) the union ring. The male and
replaced every 5 years ( 6 months) in critical
female connecting ends of the tail pieces are
systems and every 12 years in noncritical systems.
Wire braided Teflon hose has no specified
carefully ground to make a tight metal-to-metal
fit with each other. Welding or silver-brazing the
shelf or service life. Its replacement is based on
ends to the tail pieces prevents contact of the
inspection of the hose for excessive wear or
carried fluid or gas with the union threading.
Figure 6-38.--Hose assembly identification tags.