Distribution Section
panels may feed fuse boxes that supply smaller
The distribution section contains all the CBs
through which the power is distributed to the
Shore Power
various power panels or individual equipment.
Figure 9-9 shows an example of the distribution
A means of supplying electrical power to a
ship from an external source is known as shore
power. The installation of shore power requires
Power Panels
a shore-power station, plugs, and connecting
cables. The number of cables required will differ
Power panels are located throughout the ship
with each class of ship.
to distribute power to the ship's loads. You can
A shore-power station (fig. 9-10, view A) is
find different numbers of circuits in a panel,
located at or near a suitable weather deck
up to as many as 16. Vital power panels are
location, to which portable cables can be attached
fed via ABTs. This allows the panel to be fed
from shore or a ship alongside. The same station
from either of two sources. Loads on power
can be used to supply power from the ship to a
panels can include motors, heaters, electronics,
ship alongside. The shore-power station has a
and distribution panels. Some of the distribution
receptacle assembly arranged as shown in figure
9-10, view B.
used to reduce the voltage from 450 volts to 115
A shore-power plug is installed on the
volts for lighting distribution panels. The lighting
end of shore-power cables for ease of making the
Figure 9-10.--Shore-power station and receptacle assembly.