NOTE: Before you use any of the hoisting
this type are rated at 2-, 7-, 20-, 30-, and 100-ton
and lifting devices, ensure that they are in
capacities and have diversified applications. These
good working order. If you use beam
jacks are furnished with an assortment of
clamps, C-clamps, or wire straps, make
attachments. These attachments enable you to
sure they are secured properly and in good
perform countless pushing, pulling, lifting, press-
condition before attaching the lifting
ing, bending, spreading, and clamping operations.
The pump is hand operated. A flexible hydraulic
devices to them.
hose allows you to operate the ram in any desired
position and from a safe distance. You can retract
the ram automatically by turning a single control
In this chapter we have introduced you to
some of the tools and test equipment that you will
When using the port-a-power to raise a part,
use during maintenance or while performing
make certain no one is under the part. Keep
operational checks. We have not covered
fingers away from all moving parts. Be sure to
all of the equipment you will use because
place blocking or other supports under the part
either you are already familiar with them
when it is raised to the desired height to prevent
or they are specialized equipment for use in
it from dropping if the jack fails. Before using
specific instances. One example of this specialized
a hydraulic jack of any type, make sure it is filled
equipment is the special support equipment for
with fluid and has no apparent leaks.
the LM2500 GTE. NAVSEA Technical Manual
S9234-AA-MMA-000/LM2500 covers the special
equipment used in conjunction with the LM2500
GTE. It will provide you with a good description
of the function of this equipment.
As a general rule, the cranes you use are
You will find that an in-depth knowledge of
located pierside. The crane is used when equip-
t e s t equipment is especially useful in
ment must be moved to a pierside facility, such
troubleshooting equipment problems, and an
as a shore intermediate maintenance activity
understanding of the use of the correct tools at
(SIMA), for overhaul. The ship's personnel
the proper time will make you a more efficient
generally moves any equipment to the main deck
technician. Remember, for further information
of your ship, and then the crane operator off-
refer to Use and Care of Hand Tools and Measuring Tools,
loads it. Obviously, when removing a GTE, the
ship's personnel do not move the engine topside.
Training Series (NEETS), modules 1, 3, and 16.
In this situation, the crane drops its hook down
You should also consult each equipment's
the inlet plenum of the GTE. Special rails are
technical manual for the correct test equipment
installed in the inlet plenum to facilitate the
operation and proper use.