operating procedures. To avoid damaging the
equipment you are working on, know its limits
and do not exceed them. When making connec-
The power supply you will use is a portable
tions, be sure you observe proper polarity.
device. You will use it to perform maintenance
or to check equipment operation. The power
supply ranges from 0 to 50 volts direct current
(dc). This is more than adequate for the majority
During troubleshooting, you will often be re-
of your work.
quired to measure voltage, current, and resistance.
This type of power supply is simple and easy
Rather than using three or more separate meters
to use. On the front of the power supply are the
for these measurements, you can use the MULTI-
output controls, a voltage meter, and the terminal
METER. The multimeter contains circuitry that
When using a power supply, make sure you
follow all safety precautions. Refer to the
manufacturer's technical manual for the proper
Figure 3-35.--Simpson 260, volt-ohm-milliammeter (vom).