eyepiece as 0; therefore, a direct view scope
would be 180 (Wolf). Others start with the
Vibration analysis is a method of determining
probe tip as 0 and count back toward the
a piece of machinery's mechanical condition by
eyepiece. The Wolf borescope probes (fig. 3-27)
measuring its vibration characteristics under
use a direction of vision corresponding to the
normal operating conditions. Vibration analysis
standards of the medical profession.
is an extremely effective tool. This analysis can
Borescoping and evaluation of results from
accurately indicate whether a machine has
an engine inspection are best learned from
mechanical defects and which specific part is
experience. You should work with an experienced
inspector when learning the use of the borescope.
With a vibration analysis program on board
Technical manuals provide acceptable and non-
your ship, you can detect machinery problems in
acceptable limitations for engine damage; most
their early stages. In this way, you can prevent
ships have borescope inspection report sheets. You
complete failure of the equipment and possible
will turn these sheets in to the chief engineer; they
severe damage to the equipment.
show the inspection results and your evaluations.
You can use this analysis program to make a
From these sheets the chief engineer can make the
baseline profile of new equipment. When doing
decision to continue to use the engine or to have
preventive maintenance, you can compare the
the engine repaired to operable condition.
Figure 3-28.--Model 309 vibration meter,