specifies a thread lubricant, use it to obtain the
a nontorque wrench and retighten to the correct
most accurate torque reading.
torque with the indicating torque wrench.
6. Do not use a torque wrench before check-
Torque wrenches are delicate and expensive
tools. Observe the following precautions when
using them :
been established for all torque tools used in the
Navy. When a tool is calibrated by a qualified
calibration activity at a shipyard, tender, or repair
1. Do not move the setting handle below the
is attached to the handle. Check this date before
setting. However, place it at its lowest setting prior
to returning it to storage.
you use a torque tool to ensure that it is not over-
2. Do not use the torque wrench to apply
due for calibration.
greater amounts of torque than its rated capac-
You can find specific information on torque
values for equipment in the manufacturer's
3. Do not use the torque wrench to break
loose bolts that have been previously tightened.
technical manual.
4. Do not drop the wrench. The resulting jolt
can affect its accuracy.
5. Do not apply a torque wrench to a nut that
has been tightened. Back off the nut one turn with
with a scale to measure diameters. Figure 3-16
Figure 3-16.--Simple calipers-noncalibrated.