8. Asbestos Control: Inhalation of excessive
quantities of asbestos fibre or filler can
produce severe lung damage in the form of
disabling or fatal fibrosis of the lungs.
You should observe the following general
Asbestos has also been found to be a casual
precautions relative to the application and
factor in the development of cancer of the
maintenance of insulation:
membrane lining the chest and abdomen.
Lung damage and disease usually develop
1. Fill and seal all air pockets and cracks.
slowly and often do not become apparent
Failure to do this will cause large losses in
until years after the initial exposure. If your
the effectiveness of the insulation.
plans include a long and healthy Navy
2. Seal the ends of the insulation and taper
retirement, you have no business doing
off to a smooth, airtight joint. At joint
asbestos lagging rip-out without proper
ends or other points where insulation is
training, protective clothing, and super-
liable to be damaged, use sheet metal
vision. Most systems of today's modern
lagging over the insulation. You should
Navy have been purged of asbestos and an
cuff flanges and joints with 6-inch lagging.
asbestos substitute material installed in its
3. Keep moisture out of all insulation work.
place. Some of the older class vessels may
Moisture is an enemy of heat insulation just
still have some asbestos insulation installed.
as much as it is in electrical insulation. Any
Use caution when handling lagging and
insulation from these vessels. If in doubt,
heat-insulating materials.
contact your supervisor and request the
4. Insulate all hangers and other supports at
medical department conduct a survey of the
their point of contact from the pipe or
material in question.
other unit they are supporting; otherwise,
a considerable quantity of heat will be lost
via conduction through the support.
5. Keep sheet metal covering bright and
unpainted unless the protective surface has
In this chapter we have described some of
been damaged or has worn off. The
the basic types of piping system components
you find aboard ship. Aboard ship you will
colored objects is considerably less than
from rough and dark-colored objects.
find a variety of pipes, tubing, and hose
assemblies that have many uses in the engineering
6. Once installed, heat insulation requires
plant. To perform maintenance and repair on
careful inspection, upkeep, and repair.
piping systems, you must familiarize yourself with
Replace lagging and insulation removed to
the manufacturers' technical manuals, the ship's
make repairs as carefully as when originally
installed. When replacing insulation, make
engineering operational sequencing system, the
appropriate Naval Ships' Technical Manual, and
certain that the replacement material is of
the PMS for the individual system. The informa-
the same type as had been used originally.
tion in this chapter is intended to provide you with
7. Insulate all flanges with easily removable
the basic knowledge of piping systems and how
forms. These forms are made up as pads
they are constructed. For more indepth informa-
of insulating material, wired or bound in
tion on piping systems and their components,
place, and the whole covered with sheet
refer to NSTM, chapter 505.
metal casings, which are in halves.