This chapter will help you understand the
the reaction principle (Newton's third law) existed
in early history. However, practical application
history and development of gas turbine engines
(GTEs). It will help you become familiar with the
of the reaction principle. occurred only recently.
This delay is due to the slow progress of technical
basic concepts used by GTE designers, follow
discussions of how the Brayton cycle describes the
(the science of metals).
thermodynamic processes in a GTE, and learn
how various conditions and design limitations
Hero, a scientist in Alexandria, Egypt, who
affect GTE performance. How a GTE develops
lived between the first and third centuries A.D.,
and uses hot gases under pressure is also
described what is considered to be the first jet
thoroughly discussed in this chapter. After reading
engine (the aeolipile). This device (fig. 1-1) is
this chapter, you should have the basic knowledge
mentioned in sources dating back as far as 250
to be able to describe the principal components
B.C., and many sources credit Hero as the
of GTEs and their construction, the GTE auxiliary
systems, and also be familiar with the nomen-
clature related to GTEs and GTE technology. A
History records several examples of other
more in-depth coverage of the individual systems
scientists using the principle of expanding gases
and components for the General Electric LM2500
to perform work. Among these were inventions
GTE will be discussed in chapter 2 of this
TRAMAN. To refresh your memory about the
different laws and principles discussed in this
chapter, refer to NAVEDTRA 10563, volume 1,
chapter 4.
Until recent years, GTE technology and jet
engine technology have overlapped a great deal.
The same people have worked in both fields, and
the same sciences have been applied to both types
of engines. In the past, the jet engine has been
used more as a part of aviation. The GTE has
been used for electric generation, ship propulsion,
and even experimental automobile propulsion.
Many operational turbine power plants use a
derivative of an aircraft jet engine as a gas
generator (GG). When used as such, the engine
must be modified by the addition of a power
turbine (PT) and reduction gearing to complete
the plant.
In nature, the squid was using jet propulsion
long before scientists thought of it. Examples of
Figure 1-1.--Hero's aeolipile.