As a GS, you will primarily be assigned to
operate and maintain the GTEs. You will also be
tasked with the maintenance and repair of some
of the auxiliary or support systems. In this chapter
To understand the functions and importance
we will describe the lube oil (LO) fill and transfer
of the LO fill, transfer, and purification system,
system, the main LO system, the fuel oil (FO)
and the main LO system, you first need to under-
systems, the bleed air system, the compressed air
stand the fundamentals of lubrication. The
lubrication requirements of shipboard machinery
firemain system, the seawater service system, the
are met in various ways, depending on the nature
steam and waste heat systems, and the fire
of the machinery. In the following paragraphs we
extinguishing systems.
discuss the basic principles of friction and
lubrication, the effects of friction and fluid
The main propulsion plant could not operate
lubrication, the classification of lubricants, and
without FO for the engines and LO for the
the properties of LO used aboard ship. We also
reduction gears or salt water for cooling. All these
discuss the lubrication systems installed for many
systems and others are part of the overall main
shipboard units and the devices used to maintain
propulsion plant and are in your areas of
LO in the required condition of purity.
responsibility. You will be assigned to perform
PMS, repair, and maintain the numerous pumps,
valves, and piping associated with these systems.
You may also be assigned to the oil lab and have
The friction that exists between a body at rest
to maintain and test the ship's FO and LO. As
and the surface upon which it rests is STATIC
a member of the oil lab on the CG-, and DD-
friction. The friction that exists between moving
class ships, your area of responsibility will
bodies (or between one moving body and a
also include the waste heat boiler (WHB) water
stationary surface) is KINETIC friction. Static
friction, in addition to inertia, must be overcome
to put any body in motion. Static friction is
In volume 1, chapter 7, NAVEDTRA 10563,
greater than the kinetic friction, which must be
of this TRAMAN series, you learned about the
overcome to keep the body in motion.
various types of pumps and valves and their uses.
The three types of kinetic friction are sliding
friction, rolling friction, and fluid friction. Sliding
In this chapter you will learn about the different
ships' engineering systems, how they relate to the
friction exists when the surface of one solid body
propulsion plant, and how the pumps and valves
moves across the surface of another solid body.
are used in the systems. Since the engineering
Rolling friction exists when a curved body, such
systems vary between ship classes, we will describe
as a cylinder or a sphere, rolls upon a flat or
the systems in general terms. The examples of the
curved surface. Fluid friction is the resistance to
systems we show in this chapter are from various
motion exhibited by a fluid.
ship classes. Always consult your ship's EOSS for
Fluid friction exists because of the cohesion
detailed information on these systems. Your
between particles of the fluid and the adhesion
diligence in the maintenance and upkeep of these
of fluid particles to the object or medium that is
systems is extremely important since the ship could
tending to move the fluid. If a paddle is used to
not operate properly if any of these systems
stir a fluid, for example, the cohesive forces
should fail.
between the molecules of the fluid hold the