heating MRG and CRP/CPP lube oil. The major
from any water present-an important factor in
components of this system are the LO storage
forced-feed systems.
tanks, LO settling tanks, LO purifier, and inter-
connecting piping and valves.
Precipitation number--The precipitation
The LO fill, transfer, and purifying system is
number of an oil indicates the amount of solids
used to fill the LO storage tanks and to transfer
classified as asphalt or carbon residue contained
LO between the storage, settling, and sump tanks.
in the oil. The number is reached when a known
It purifies the LO with the centrifugal oil purifier
amount of oil is diluted with naphtha and the
and preheats the reduction gear LO before MRG
precipitate is separated by centrifuging. The
operation. You can set the system up for either
batch purification of one tank or for continuous
number. This test detects the presence of foreign
purification using the purifier. The LO for the
materials in used oils. An oil with a high
reduction gear is the same type as the hydraulic
oil for the CRP system. The purifier is used for
engine. It could leave deposits or plug up valves
both systems.
and pumps.
Replenishment oil for the MRG, CRP system
and, in some cases, other machinery is stored in
bulk in the LO storage tanks. These tanks are
The LO fill, transfer, and purification system
filled from a deck connection located near the
is shown in figure 4-1. This system provides the
replenishment stations. These tanks must be kept
means for storing, transferring, purifying, and
Figure 4-1.--Typical LO system.