level. The fourth edgewise meter, labeled ĆP, is
near the propulsion equipment. The LOP has the
necessary controls and indicators to permit
used to indicate differential pressure across the
direct local (manual) control of the propulsion
LO supply filter (located in the GTM).
equipment. The direct local mode of control,
although still electronic, permits operation of
the equipment independent of the programmed
The FUEL section (B) monitors the fuel system
sequence from the computer. It is normally an
of the GTE and has two meters. The first meter
unmanned console. However, you can use it if an
is labeled FILTER DP and monitors fuel filter (the
e m e r g e n c y occurs or for control during
GTE-mounted filter) differential pressure. The
maintenance. You may find it easier to under-
second edgewise meter is labeled SUPPLY TEMP
stand the operational procedures for the LM2500
and monitors the fuel supply temperature.
GTE by following the operation of the pro-
grammed sequence. For this reason, we discussed
the FFG LM2500 operational procedures when
The THROTTLE section (C) has one edgewise
we discussed the PCC.
meter, labeled POSITION. It indicates the throttle
The LOP is divided into the following six
position in percentage of GTE power in
increments of 0 to 100 percent.
1. Local operating station instrument panel
The ENCLOSURE section (D) has two
2. LOP top panel engine 1A
indicators and an edgewise meter. The first split-
3. LOP top panel engine 1B
legend indicator is labeled OPEN/CLOSED and
4. Status panel
is used to monitor the actual status of the vent
5. LOP bottom panel
damper. The second indicator is labeled FLAME
6. Fuse panel
and, when illuminated, indicates that a flame (fire)
has been sensed in the module. It receives its signal
from the UV sensors in the enclosures. The
edgewise meter is labeled TEMP and indicates the
The LOSIP (fig. 6-13) is located at the top of
temperature of the enclosure. A momentary-
the LOP. The LOSIP is divided into two sections,
contact push button, labeled LAMP TEST (not
one for each GTE. Their layouts are identical. The
considered part of the enclosure section), is
LOSIP is only a monitoring panel and has no
located below the two indicators. It is used to test
control functions. It is used to monitor conditions
the proper operation of the bulbs in the two
of the systems of the LM2500 GTE and selected
indicators of the enclosure section.
From left to right the monitoring sections are
This section (E) is used to monitor the GG. It
GG, and PT. The parenthetical letters referenced
has three edgewise meters. The first meter, labeled
in the text are shown on figure 6-13 and indicate
INLET AIR PRESS, monitors GG inlet air
the six sections of the LOSIP.
pressure (Pt 2), the pressure of the air entering the
LUBE OIL Section
The LO section (A) is used to monitor the
inlet temperature (T2). The right edgewise meter,
labeled DISCHARGE PRESS, monitors the CDP.
parameters associated with the LM2500 GTE LO
system. It has a five-position rotary selector switch
and four edgewise meters. The TEMP selector
switch on the left is labeled A, B, C, D, and
This section (F) has two edgewise meters
ACCESSORY GEAR BOX. It is used to select
used to monitor PT parameters. The left edgewise
meter, labeled INLET PRESS, is used to measure
the scavenge temperature to be monitored.
PT inlet pressure (Pt5.4). The second edgewise
By rotating the selector switch to the desired
position, you may monitor the selected parameter
RATIO is used to monitor GG pressure ratio.
on the first edgewise meter, labeled TEMP. The
second edgewise meter, labeled FILTER ĆP, is
used to monitor the scavenge filter (located on the
LOSCA) differential pressure. The third edgewise
The LOP top panel (fig. 6-14) is used to
control either, or both, of the GTEs. Although
meter, labeled TANK, indicates the LOSCA tank