GTE. It is a guarded type of push button used
the GTEs are controlled from this panel, the
to take control from the PCC. By re-depressing
operations are in the manual mode. The LOP has
it, you can transfer the control to the PCC. When
no computer functions. The LOP top panel is
the GTE control is at the PCC, the fourth
divided into two sections, the engine 1A and
indicator labeled ENGINE 1B CONTROL IN
engine 1B sections. These engine sections are
REMOTE LOCATION will illuminate.
almost mirror images of each other. The
differences in the two panels will be pointed out
The fifth indicator is a guarded type of push
as we cover the related area. As we did with the
button labeled EMER STOP. This push button
PCC, we will cover the LOP from left to right,
is used to stop the GTE in an emergency. You can
top to bottom.
activate the emergency stop push button at the
LOP regardless of what station has control. This
The first indicator at the top left is labeled
push button closes both GTE fuel valves and
BATTLE OVERRIDE. It is a guarded, illumi-
causes the GTE to shut down.
nated push button. It can be manually activated
at any time, regardless of the station in control.
Normally, you must have the commanding
officer's permission to activate BATTLE OVER-
RIDE. Refer to your ship's standing orders for
The ENCLOSURE section (A) monitors the
events which will allow you to activate this switch
module cooling and air intake system. It has three
automatically without the commanding officer's
indicators and four control switches. The first
permission. This requirement is mandated because
indicator is labeled FAN RUNNING. When it is
this switch overrides the following safety
illuminated, it indicates the enclosure fan is
operating. The second indicator is labeled ICING.
When it is illuminated, it indicates the intake air
1. GTE LO pressure is low.
is below 41F and the humidity is above
70 percent. The third indicator is a split-legend
2. GTE vibration is high.
push button labeled HEATERS ON/HEATERS
OFF. It is used to turn the enclosure heater on
3. T5.4 is high.
or off. When it is illuminated, it indicates the
actual status of the heaters. The last indicator
4. PLA failure for the following conditions:
across in this column is a split-legend indicator
a. PCS command signal is out of limits.
ICING VALVE CLOSED. When it is illumi-
nated, it shows the actual status of the anti-icing
b. PT shaft torque is out of limits.
c. PT speed is out of limits.
The first indicator across the second column
is a split-legend, push-button indicator labeled
BATTLE OVERRIDE does not override a
FAN RUN/FAN STBY. It is used to turn the
flameout or a PT overspeed trip.
enclosure cooling fan on or return it to a standby
condition (off). When it is illuminated, it indicates
The next indicator is a split-legend type labeled
the status of the enclosure fan. The next indicator
is a push button labeled ANTI-ICER ON. It
upper half of the indicator indicates ac power is
illuminates to indicate a command has been sent
on to the FSEE. This ac power is used for the
to open the anti-icing valve. When this button is
igniters, the anti-icing valves, and the fire
depressed again, it will close the anti-icing valve.
detection sensors. The lower half of the indicator
The last indicator in the enclosure section is a split-
indicates dc power is on. This dc power is used
legend push button labeled VENT DAMPER
for the FSEE electronics and the GTE fuel valve
control circuit.
nated portion of this indicator shows the operator
command to the vent damper.
The third push-button indicator is labeled
The horizontal edgewise meter (B) labeled
INTAKE AIR TEMP is used to monitor the
to place the LOP in control of the associated