This appendix is a listing of the abbreviations and acronyms used in this text.
Although this is an extensive listing, it is not an all-inclusive list of abbreviations
and acronyms used by the Gas Turbine Systems Technicians. However, this list will
help form a basis for your qualification under the PQS system and allow for rapid
access to terms used by Gas Turbine Systems Technicians.
CPRcardiopulmonary resuscitation
ABTautomatic bus transfer
CPUcentral processing unit
atalternating current
CRPcontrollable reversible pitch
ACCauxiliary control console
CRTcathode ray tube
A/Cair conditioning
CSEPControl systems electronic package
ACSautomatic control system
AMRauxiliary machinery room
dcdirect current
AMSalarm and monitor system
DCCdamage control console
APDautomatic paralleling device
DCUdata converter unit
APLallowance parts list
DDIdemand display indicator
APUauxiliary power unit
DMSdata multiplex system
DSPdisodium phosphate
DTGdate-time group
BCUbridge control unit
BITbuilt in test
BITEbuilt-in test equipment
ECMengine control module
BMEEbulkhead mounted electronics enclosure
ECSSegineering control and surveillance system
BWDUbridge wing display unit
ECUexecutive control unit
EGLequipment guide list
EIMBelectronics installation and maintenance book
C&Ccommand and control
EMelectrician's mate
CBcircuit breaker
EMIelectromagnetic interference
CCScentral control station
EOCCengineering operational causalty control
CNOChief of Naval Operations
EOOW/LUengineering officer of the watch/logging
COSALshipboard allowance list
EOOWengineering officer of the watch
COcommanding officer